An Entire Site to Belittle a Company
Brittany left this comment on last week’s Pink Truth Critics post. She didn’t realize she wasn’t agreeing with me, but was agreeing with a troll who thinks Pink Truth is a Joke.
Who is Brittany? She’s a student at Chicago State University, and hopes to graduate in 2026. That’s right, with vast amounts of life experiences, Brittany is here to educate us on how you can just make money by selling MK products. And we’re just here telling our “little tales.” Oh, Brittany.
I agree with you Tracy. I don’t make millions but I definitely get paid.
No one pushes me to make sales, I don’t want the Mary Kay car, no one pushes me to work for he Mary Kay car, I get to sale at my own pace, I don’t do any of the vacations. I actually don’t like vacationing or any of the sort. I don’t have anyone under me selling Mary Kay, either.
I believe this site is filled with a bunch of people who had bad experiences but doesn’t realize that’s not the company. That’s who THEY were dealing with.
To create an entire site to belittle a company is quite entertaining and I like reading these little tales.
Especially when they women spend their entire life savings to buy merchandise to sell to people. Why would you do that?
I don’t buy anything unless I have the money in hand from the client already. No unsold product and no money coming out of my pocket.
Thanks Brittany. I’d work on your writing and grammar skills a bit before attacking other women on the internet. Especially since you’re in college and hoping to get a degree in a couple of years.
Yeah, I knew everything when I was a sophomore in college, too, back in 1996. Trust me, you’re going to find out the hard way that what you know isn’t what you need to know and what you think you know is wrong.
Learn to save and budget money now. Make sure you have a bank account and credit in your own name only (when I opened my checking account at age 16, I put my mother on it. At age 42 when she died, I owed inheritance tax on my own money 🤬) because you can’t count on family or spouse to bail you out.
Brush up on resume writing and interview skills and don’t try to inflate your MK experience into something it’s not. MLM experience doesn’t count for anything in the working world and a lot of hiring managers will chuck your resume just for listing it.
College is different from the real world. Out here people don’t want MK because of the pushy salespeople and high prices and the inconvenience of having to buy through a rep. Cost of living is sky high and people need their money for necessities. Mk is seen as an outdated grandma makeup company and the trend is toward cruelty free beauty.
Your college friends, after graduation, are going to be moving around, looking for jobs, finding a place to live, dating, figuring out who they are. They won’t have the time or interest.
The real world is waiting and doesn’t care how great you, your professors, or your parents think you are. Just saying.
I agree with you Tracy. I don’t make millions but I definitely get paid.
You think that you are getting paid but the reality is you would make more in a $15 per hour minimum wage job.
Here’s Canada’s 2022 Income Disclosure, it makes for edifying reading.
No one pushes me to make sales,
Guess I have to trust you on this since we all know it’s not sales that matter but buying and recruiting.
I don’t want the Mary Kay car, no one pushes me to work for he Mary Kay car,
Your up-line doesn’t care much ig you don’t want the car as long as you are spending enough to keep her in her car.
I get to sale at my own pace,
No, you do not get to sale the word is sell
I don’t do any of the vacations. I actually don’t like vacationing or any of the sort.
Well, you do you but I love a good holiday away from distractions but we know a Mary Kay trip is one full of Mary Kay talk so it’s not really time off from work.
I don’t have anyone under me selling Mary Kay, either.
At least for now. ff you want to make more than a few pennies a week , you need a huge down-line.
I believe this site is filled with a bunch of people who had bad experiences but doesn’t realize that’s not the company. That’s who THEY were dealing with.
Unfortunately, deceit and double dealing is woven into the bones and sinews of Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company. Blaming a nebulous them for the rampant abuses is just another way of victim blaming us.
To create an entire site to belittle a company is quite entertaining and I like reading these little tales.
You’re a child of the Internet Age and have never come across a site that talks about the negative aspects of a company??? Google “Disney parks + worker criticism” or “Wal*Mart + worker criticism” or “Amazon + worker criticism”, well you get the picture.
As for you finding people’s stories entertaining, I hope you get out before you are one of the thousands who find themselves in multi-thousand dollar debt. There is no entertainment in having your credit history in the dust before you want to be a adult.
Especially when they women spend their entire life savings to buy merchandise to sell to people. Why would you do that?
Because they are sold a nightmare masquerading as a dream. The oft quoted “part time work for executive pay” or “the freedom to work in small pockets of your time”. Mark Kay Corp has spent sixty years polishing the turd and now it’s a shiny globe of lies. You can see the thirty and forty year veterans deep in the ‘Sunk Cost Fallacy” truly Bee-LIE-Ving that this year they are going to make it.
I don’t buy anything unless I have the money in hand from the client already. No unsold product and no money coming out of my pocket.
If this is true you must be a disappointment to your upline. Don’t worry, soon enough the pressure to spend, spend, spend for “Our car” or “Our DIQ” will soon happen.
About MLM skills not counting – I need to qualify that. I mean, don’t put down things like “small business owner” or “team leader” or “director of sales”. You don’t own the business, and being an actual manager or director is totally different from MLM recruitment.
Soft skills are different. People have said they’ve become more self-confident, better at approaching and talking to people, that they enjoy putting on a professional persona because it makes them feel good. Those skills definitely count and are really really really important to have. However, those are things you show in the way you present yourself and interact with potential employers, not things you list on a resume.
I replied to the wrong post again.
“spent sixty years polishing the turd,” 🤣🤣
Thank you 🙏🏼 💩
The Mythbusters video is epic. You can in fact polish one.
“I don’t buy anything unless I have the money in hand from the client already. No unsold product and no money coming out of my pocket.”
Brittany, you don’t believe your own BS, or do you?
“I don’t buy anything unless I have the money in hand from the client already.”.
So I have to wait for you to order the product.
Going to Ulta/Sephora/Walmart/Walgreens/CVS/Macy’s/Nordstrom/Saks… And get the product I am needing right away…
Also I found out this week that the Ulta by me is on Door Dash, so I literally don’t have to leave my house or even talk to anyone and I could have my make up delivered to me within an hour. I live in a smaller WI town, I can’t even begin to imagine how much less time door dashing your make up takes in Chicago…
Cries in Quebec rural town living.
PTC, you’re young, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. You say (like infinite others before you) that Mary Kay Corporate is not to blame for the abuses inflicted on consultants, but rather that it’s the fault of a few bad actors.
Count the number of contributors to this site. Add all the primary blog writers (some of whom were on the cusp of NSD when they stepped away from the Pink Bubble), all the commenters, all the people who anonymously “like” our posts. Most of the people here were once a part of Mary Kay. Many, as already stated, were directors or above.
How likely is it that an honest, above-board company would harbor enough dishonest abusers to produce this many disgruntled ex-consultants? If Mary Kay’s dream company is all that she portrayed it to be, surely it would be about the business of uncovering these bad actors and removing them from the ranks? Surely they would be more focused on that than silencing Pink Truth through frivolous lawsuits and smear campaigns?
Alas, they’re not. Because the system MKA created requires unethical directors and nationals to survive. And Corporate, as it has for over 60 years, turns a blind eye because it must. The biggest annoyance is not bad actors within its ranks, but whistleblowers now on the outside.
I teach college sophomores every semester who want to be teachers. It’s unfortunate that her writing is indicative of what faculty have observed of public education. My concern for her is what her future career goals are. I hope she wises up and focuses on her studies and plans that include benefits such as healthcare, retirement, and maternity leave. Mary Kay doesn’t provide this. I also wonder if she knows that her taxes will be higher because of not being an employee?