I Won a Court of Sales Ring
Written by SuzyQ
Mary Kay gives out REAL diamonds! You just have to be willing to work for them. Really, you just have to be willing to order for them. Order $40,000 of retail value of products during the year, and you get a ring of your choice with real diamonds.
But who would have thought that “gorgeous” Court of Sales ring would be worth so little money?
I earned a ring for Queen’s Court of Sales. I worked all year for that ring. I did sell some product, but not the entire amount. At that time, the court was $36,000 retail.
I put the extra on a new credit card to finish. I mean… coming close and not finishing was simply not an option for me when I was in the fog. And double credit was not offered that year.
I was planning to sell the “extra” product later. It appears that there are others who will shake their heads in horror when reading that… after all, no one put a gun to my head and made me do it. Looking back, I wonder why I thought I needed the recognition that much.
To receive all of my recognition in true MK fashion, I had a new dress with perfect accessories, hair color touch up, fake perfect tan, toned arms, great manicure and perfect make-up. I was taken to the Royalty Reception in a limo (split the cost with others) and received my sash after I showed them my stage card. There were several very attractive tables of appetizers and fruit punches. I was fascinated by the mashed potatoes served in a wine glass.
We were all herded back into the Convention Center and resumed our seats waiting for the stage call. It came and I carefully picked my way down the stairs to go back stage. Many many super excited women were there with me. We were again herded (quietly) to the back stage area. When my turn came, I gave my stage card to someone and climbed up yet another set of stairs to await my golden moment. Someone else held their arm in front of me (like when you come to a sudden stop in the car and you instinctively throw your arm across your passenger who thinks you have lost your mind.)
Then, it was my turn. I think I heard my name, I was blinded by the light, did my wave I had practiced, and went down the stairs helped by those nice young men. I received my empty ring box and left the stage.
After all of that grand excitement, at least a minute’s worth all in all, I was directed to the lower concourse where I was asked to get in a line to receive my ring. I traded the empty box for the ring that I had to let the company know I wanted prior to seminar. Of course it didn’t fit, but I expected that. It wasn’t exactly as spectacular as I thought it would be… I had been looking at the picture of it all year, but again, that was probably just me. It was all still very exciting with much hugging and picture taking.
I wore the ring home, of course, and played with it in the sunlight coming through the car window to watch it sparkle. There’s a huge part of me at that point that knew I was a fraud. I didn’t sell all of the product I needed to in order to EARN the ring.
In fact, I bought the ring. I took it to get resized, and the jeweler said something to the effect that the quality of the stones wasn’t that good, did I know that? We are friends and he is always honest with me. I proudly state that I earned that ring and I have an appraisal at home that states the ring is worth $450. He said “Okay.”
So, I wore it for awhile. It was sort of awkward in that it was pretty flashy as opposed to the other option, which was more of an everyday ring. I put it in my drawer and wore it less and less, until not at all.
And then one day after I left Mary Kay, I decided to sell it. I was never going to wear it again, so why not get some money for it? I sold it for $50 to a company that bought it for the gold weight only. The stones were worthless.
Ask yourself if you are worth more than a ring that is literally only worth its weight in gold. I think you are.
I was fascinated by the mashed potatoes served in a wine glass.
As a lover of all things potato, I am attracted to and repelled by the idea of wine glass mashed potatoes in equal measure. On one hand, mash and on the other, potential food poisoning.
Also being judged by aliens.
The potato is my favorite food, hands down. In my opinion mashers deserve to be plopped on a plate next to a big delicious slab of main course – meatloaf, roast chicken, roast beast – and not all frou-frou in a wine glass.
OF course I usually just eat them right out of the pot on the couch while watching TV, because I live alone and there’s no one to judge me but the aliens.
Potatoes are the most amazing tuber. Without them, we wouldn’t have bacon-cheese sauce-covered fries, mashed potatoes with chives and sour cream (I make good mashed taters), or vodka.
But back to the ring… I also “earned” a couple of them myself. One is still sitting in the bottom of a jewelry box; it’s a garnet, and I love garnets. The stone is decent, and I’ve been talking with a local jeweler about pulling it and resetting it into a totally different ring with other oval garnets. I can tell you that the ring was worth about HALF of the so-called appraised value. The other diamond ring was sold at my in-law’s estate sale for about $100. (We had an estate sale before moving them to assisted living. All the kids added a few things that we all wanted gone. I had a bunch of MK jewelry that went in there, and surprisingly, it all sold.)
A few hours work at a normal job would cover the cost of these trinkets. To spend a year trying to sell tens of thousands of dollars in unsellable MLM products for the same?
This shows the power of Mary Kay’s deeply deceptive sales pitch. They convince you this is a real business while seeing you as just a big purchase customer! Mary Kay Corp sees the entire sales force as their customer base. And why not? The sales force is doing all the buying of the product. What happens after that purchase? No one at Mary Kay Corp even cares. Retail selling is simply not part of the MKC business plan. Notice that all the corporate incentives are tied to ordering and recruiting…with no corporate incentives for retail selling.
If that 50% margin were a reality, that $40K retail would have yielded $20K in margin. Just think how many $50 rings that could buy. But instead of $20K in the bank, these ladies are in debt. How can that be? Mary Kay says you should have $20K in the bank, but instead you have a credit card balance? Why is that, do you suppose?
Could it be they are misleading their reps about that 50% margin (*gasp*)? And are they misleading their reps about MK products “flying off the shelves”? Say it ain’t so!
If the aliens were smart, they’d ask for a helping or two 😉
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Popinki, you think you can throw caution to the wind and just eat them taters from the pot without repercussions. You got no idea how harshly them aliens judge us humans lololol. xoxoxoxo
I was so humiliated and angry… And THEN I found out all of the emeralds on my “ladder of success” and later “star of success” were fake. Those *&*^%$# cost me $3600 each.
I was so stupid and I am an over-educated woman. Damn.
They took advantage of your need for recognition. It’s sad how unappreciated many women are that they fall for the manipulation. I’m so glad you’re out and warning people from the deception.
OK, I am on a roll remembering this “hit… We had to stand at the Royalty Reception. There were very small tall tables and no where to put purses or anything else. Awkward.
AND we were in formal wear trying not to get the stupid mashed potatoes all down our fronts. AND our heels were too high. AND we were supposed to be soooo excited about it. AND there was no alcohol. k
Did the royalty reception once. It was overrated even deep in the Fog. I vowed that I would either skip future ones or sneak in a flask. (Ok, not really. I was pretty deep in the fog. But bringing whiskey to the fiasco that was the royalty reception may have made it marginally more bearable.)
More stream-of-consciousness rememberings. The year my 2nd line senior director did the million, she rented a limo for all of us for awards night. 17 sweaty women in evening wear at 2:30 in the afternoon in Dallas in July crammed into one stretch limo. And the air conditioning was broken. Luxury is not the first word that comes to mind.
SuzyQ, please please please do not call yourself stupid. My guess is there was an unfulfilled and very important emotional need that MK fulfilled and that does not make a person stupid. Anger turned inward is what fuels depression and turning your anger at being ripped off by MK into yourself is just compounding the damage MK did to you. SO DON’T DO IT!!!
I have been a member here a few years now and SuzyQ, YOU ARE SO FAR FROM STUPID.
I recall when a certain SD (whom MK terminated) was selling her MK ring on FB.
For some reason, she showed the original company photo of the bling-bling ring next to a current photo of it…now dirty-looking and tarnished.
You can buy domestic jewelry cleaners for under $10 cdn. in stores. For a flashier ultra-sonic cleaner around $30 cdn. That would boost the value slightly because there is no way I’d buy a dirty or tarnished looking ring.
Shoot i would habe bought it for $200 bummer
I would buy that green ring from this year, the pink one from 2022 and the figure 8 Unit sales ring. Just putting that out that.