An email from a Mary Kay lady who knows all the catch phrases….

I know I shouldn’t bother, because you probably get tons of emails like the one I am writing but what can I say…it’s my personality to defend something very important to me. My main problem with your sight is that you are basing your entire experience in Mary Kay on the directors or Nationals you worked under. I see very little about the actual company and more about how you were trained. Although bad directors do reflect on the company you should be more open to the fact that you just had a bad experience.

I too was a consultant under a “bad” director that only pushed recruits and inventory and I quickly burned out and left (five years ago) but I was logical and I knew that one person making bad judgement calls didn’t make the entire company bad.

If Mary Kay is as corrupt as you would say then how come more women make $100,000 a year in Mary Kay then any other company in the United State of America? How come there are thousands of women waiting to share their testimonies of how Mary Kay changed their future and their families futures? The reason you see so many women quitting is because they want a hobby and not a business.

You can’t make money in sales if you don’t treat it like a business and most women don’t have that discipline, it’s not because the company messed up. They have made it so extremely easy with $100 kit, 90% buy back, 100% guarantee on products. What other business can you start in America with $100? Even with inventory you can’t start your own business for less than $5,000. I now am in a unit with an amazing Christian Director that is truly helping to change the lives of hundreds. The experience is completely different and I am continuing to meet amazing directors that are nothing like the women you tear down and degrade on your site.

Inventory is such a controversial topic in Mary Kay. If I was to open my own beauty store would I have an empty store with catalogues on the shelf? Of course not, so why do others find it so weird that inventory is encouraged for any woman wanting to run a business. Some directors are way to aggressive with it, but the top directors know that yes Inventory makes a Mary Kay consultants job easier and will help sales but not absolutely necessary. My director doesn’t even talk big inventory packages unless directly asked about it.

I think you have let bitterness for a few people and your own personal experience poison you and now you are trying to persuade people away from what could be an opportunity of a life time for them. Is Mary Kay easy? No! It’s a business…you work hard and you run A BUSINESS! I pray that you will read my ramblings (smile) and open your heart to the idea of letting go of your anger. Find something that makes you happy and isn’t based on bashing good people.

Thank you for listening.

God bless,


P.S. How long since you have read Mary Kay’s autobiography? Read the section about tithing to her church and tell me that isn’t a truly amazing woman.


  1. “Is Mary Kay easy? No! It’s a business…”

    And after six decades, this “business” still can’t create a profitable downline?

    OP, it’s not about personal experience. Rather, it is the history of poor performance of MLMs like Mary Kay. These corporations profit from the aggregate personal losses of the sales force. MKC promotes an unethical business model, and no amount of tithe or charitable contribution can make this okay. Don’t be fooled.

  2. I know I shouldn’t bother,,/i>

    No, you really shouldn’t have because I doubt that you will bring anything new or of worth to the table.

    because you probably get tons of emails like the one I am writing but what can I say…

    Maybe you can say something new instead of regurgitating all the old points that every other PTC info-dumps.

    it’s my personality to defend something very important to me. ,/i>

    Everyone should defend important things. Mine just isn’t MLMs.

    My main problem with your sight is that you are basing your entire experience in Mary Kay on the directors or Nationals you worked under.

    In the real world, this is a problem in a lot of companies, many people leave because of a bad boss.

    I see very little about the actual company and more about how you were trained.

    Actu7ally if you had in fact read here, it’s both.

    Although bad directors do reflect on the company you should be more open to the fact that you just had a bad experience.

    I too was a consultant under a “bad” director that only pushed recruits and inventory and I quickly burned out and left (five years ago)

    So, what did you learn from this experience?

    but I was logical

    that’s illogical, captain (Mr. Spock GIF)

    and I knew that one person making bad judgement calls didn’t make the entire company bad.

    The rot starts at the head, fish or business.

    If Mary Kay is as corrupt as you would say then how come more women make $100,000 a year in Mary Kay then any other company in the United State of America?

    How many companies financial reports did you read to verify this statement? or is it another of your blindly held truths?

    How come there are thousands of women waiting to share their testimonies of how Mary Kay changed their future and their families futures?

    They are welcome to come here with verified proof that they are indeed making the amounts of money that would make Zuckerberg envious of.

    The reason you see so many women quitting is because they want a hobby and not a business.

    Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s offer of freedom isn’t a business. It’s a pretty pink blinged cage.

  3. You can’t make money in sales if you don’t treat it like a business and most women don’t have that discipline, it’s not because the company messed up.

    And now, drum roll please…The Victim Blaming begins.

    They have made it so extremely easy with $100 kit, 90% buy back, 100% guarantee on products.

    The 90% buy back is because of the law not some charitable instinct to do good. And there’s some things that you can’t return as well.

    What other business can you start in America with $100?

    Lemonade stand, probably make more than an MLM business.

    Even with inventory you can’t start your own business for less than $5,000.

    Now, isn’t that burying the lede.

    I now am in a unit with an amazing Christian Director that is truly helping to change the lives of hundreds.

    Does she comfort the widows and orphans? Help the poor and downtrodden on the streets? Minister to the prisoners? Love her neighbour like herself? Or just rip off those who look up to her for inspiration?

    The experience is completely different and I am continuing to meet amazing directors that are nothing like the women you tear down and degrade on your site.

    Do your amazing directors call their downline recruits “heffers”? Have any one of committed felony theft? Or do they just indulge in creating envy and contentiousness?

    Inventory is such a controversial topic in Mary Kay. If I was to open my own beauty store would I have an empty store with catalogues on the shelf?

    Hopefully, if you were to open a bricks and mortar business, you would have made a few decisions first. Are there any competitors? If so, how many? How successful are they? Will I be the sixth Starbucks/MacDonalds/Mary Kay rep in a town of 2,000 people? Who will be buying off me?

    Of course not, so why do others find it so weird that inventory is encouraged for any woman wanting to run a business.

    It’s not the inventory that we have a problem with, it’s the way it’s ordered. The pressure to get the biggest order possible so Director Dottie makes the most commission on it thus helping her frantically hold on for another month while filling up with products she knows that you either can’t sell or are a out to be replaced means that you are unable to return them and she keeps those few vital dollars.

    Some directors are way to aggressive with it, but the top directors know that yes Inventory makes a Mary Kay consultants job easier and will help sales but not absolutely necessary.

    And they make money off each dollar you spend on your inventory. That’s the important thing to them, not altruism.

    My director doesn’t even talk big inventory packages unless directly asked about it.

    She nudges the conversation back to it constantly, got it! That way she keeps her hands clean.

  4. “If Mary Kay is as corrupt as you would say then how come more women make $100,000 a year in Mary Kay then any other company in the United State of America?”

    There aren’t. According to 9% of white, working American women make $100K+. Generally, the more education you have, the more experience, and the more specialized the field, the greater the money. None of those things hold here because you don’t even need a cosmetology license, makeup sales are hardly a rare niche market, and even people who have been in for decades are still making peanuts because THE MLM SYSTEM IS RIGGED AGAINST YOU RIGHT FROM THE START.

    It’s impossible to know exactly how many in MK US are making that amount since the big pink chickens won’t release their earnings figures, but according to the Canadian figures, much less than 1% are making anything like a living wage, let alone over 100 large.

    The “than any other company in the USA” is disingenuous nonsense. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and the burden of proof is on them. Since they won’t provide that proof, there’s zero reason to believe anything they say.

    “How come there are thousands of women waiting to share their testimonies of how Mary Kay changed their future and their families futures?”

    Because they’re trying to rook other people into signing up. Because the only way you make any kind of money is through nabbing qualified (i.e. frontloaded) recruits.

    “The reason you see so many women quitting is because they want a hobby and not a business.” Sure, it’s not because they were lied to, manipulated, and coerced. It can’t be because they were promised full-time pay for part-time work leaving them free to do important family stuff. Of course they didn’t realize they were dumping money into MK and getting nothing out of it, and quit before they got in any deeper. It’s gotta be their fault somehow, heyna??

  5. I think you have let bitterness for a few people

    I think that you are trying to police other women’s emotions. Everyone, female or male is allowed a full range of emotions even if that makes (general) you uncomfortable.

    and your own personal experience poison you and now you are trying to persuade people away from what could be an opportunity of a life time for them.

    It is also in many cases, years of crippling debt.

    Is Mary Kay easy?

    Well, every PTC tells us it is. What are we supposed to think? I can make executive pay for part-time work, I can work in pockets of my own time. These are the “truths” we are constantly told but we see from those who have left, it’s sweet little lies.

    No! It’s a business…you work hard and you run A BUSINESS!

    Except it’s not a business because you are a 1099 contracted employee.

    I pray that you will read my ramblings (smile)

    There are/were several Christian bloggers who used to type like this (smile), drove me mad. It’s not cute trying to demand a response or create a joint expectation of joy.

    and open your heart to the idea of letting go of your anger.

    Again with the so-called negative emotion shaming. Women are entitled to feel anger against those who used and abused them.

    Find something that makes you happy

    Well, I’m about to brew another cuppa and then after my few chores, I’m going to do some colouring and maybe write something or doom scroll Reddit or play some video games or catch up on WandaVision before Agatha All Along starts.
    What I won’t be doing is dialing for dollars or warm chattering or arguing with the staff at my local hair salon about placing a fishbowl or other form of contact box in the vain hopes of getting that elusive new consultomer whose pocketbook I can squeeze dry.

    and isn’t based on bashing good people.

    Sadly, I haven’t seen many good people involved in Mary Kay, so I’m fine.

    Thank you for listening.

    No thanks for you writing this nontent pile of drivel.

    God bless,



    P.S. How long since you have read Mary Kay’s autobiography? Read the section about tithing to her church and tell me that isn’t a truly amazing woman.,/i>

    Tithing lots of your disposable income doesn’t show you some-one is amazeballs. Remember the parable of The Widow’s Mite?

    Now here’s is something of Mary Kay’s that the company doesn’t like showing but is useful, I think.

  6. If I was to open my own beauty store would I have an empty store with catalogues on the shelf?

    That’s a pretty good description of a “website,” which reminds me: my new lip gloss that I ordered from Nordstrom 2 days ago is due to arrive today! See, I don’t mind waiting a couple of days to receive a good product. That’s cuz I, you know, plan ahead, like a grownup, and do not require immediate gratification, like a child.

  7. “… how come more women make $100,000 a year in Mary Kay then any other company in the United State (sic) of America?”

    Do you have proof of this? I know a lot of medical professionals (who are not doctors) who make over 100K a year. I’m one of them. You can look at the Canadian income disclosure statements and see that most women in MK in Canada do not make anywhere near 100K a year. There is probably enough data in those disclosures to extrapolate it to the US sales force.

    “I pray that you will read my ramblings (smile) and open your heart to the idea of letting go of your anger. Find something that makes you happy and isn’t based on bashing good people.”

    I’m not angry and haven’t been in a while. I’m pretty happy right now (minus my frustrations with school and working on my doctoral project). However, MK is not full of “good people.” It’s full of liars, cheats, and thieves, including corporate.

    “P.S. How long since you have read Mary Kay’s autobiography? Read the section about tithing to her church and tell me that isn’t a truly amazing woman.”

    Mary Kay *insert string of last names* Ash wasn’t the woman you and the MK ilk praise her for being. She was an incredibly shrewd businesswoman, which is one of the reasons the new-ish Cowboys Stadium is in Arlington and not Dallas. The city council wanted to raise hotel taxes to help cover the new stadium, and she/MK Corp. got a wee pissy about that since it would impact the sales force.


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