A Mary Kay consultant criticizes us in the comments on our Mary Kay Virtual Seminar 2021 post.  (It’s good to know that women keep Googling and finding us!) To this positive uplifting MK lady: I’m not butthurt but I do object to the lies and the arm-twisting in MK that are designed to swindle women out of their hard-earned money.

Wow… Obsessed much? Tell me what is like to rise every day with hate on your heart?

I’m not a top earner. I sell inconsistently bc that’s what works for me. I’ve never bought more inventory than I needed bc I have a brain that is able to reason whether I need it or not. I don’t get caught up in trying to put on a front or earn something I didn’t work for, so I never over extend myself.

My director is available for advice when I need her, and she never pushes me to do anything I don’t want to do. She thanks me every month that I order.

Yea there’s dishonest people people with dollars signs in their eyes as there is in every arena, especially in this capitalistic society. However, when it gets down to it, from this site to YouTube and beyond, it sounds like those who are hellbent on tearing this company down are butt hurt because they made poor business decisions.

No one twist your arm to order inventory. The enthusiasm is infectious, and it’s nice to dream of cars and trips, but you have to be sober minded about your decisions.

I have team members and I explain it to them just like that. Decide how much you want to make and how much time you have to spend and work accordingly. Simple.


  1. “No one twist [sic] your arm to order inventory.”

    Unless you want to qualify for commissions and the 50% product discount. Then the arm twisting comes directly from Mary Kay Corporate!

    • That’s what I don’t understand about these people who keep coming here and saying, “I only order what I can sell,” or, “I only order for personal use or the occasional friend and family.” Are they lying to themselves? Are they bold-faced lying to the readers here (and do they assume the readers are too stupid to know the difference)? Are they so new to Mary Kay that they don’t really understand what they’re talking about? It has never made any sense.

      Until they can explain how they only order as much as they need, only when they need it, while simultaneously having to place recurring minimum orders, they don’t have a lot of credibility in my eyes.

  2. Always curious to see what people are looking for when they stumble across Pink Truth.

    Speaking of Seminar, the 2025 Seminar has to be moved to a new location. The Dallas location that is usually used is going under a renovation and construction was moved up to July!

  3. “I sell inconsistently bc that’s what works for me. I’ve never bought more inventory than I needed bc I have a brain that is able to reason whether I need it or not.”

    So if you don’t NEED to order the $250 quarterly required to get the 50% discount, you don’t? You’re fine with paying full retail plus shipping, and losing money on the deal because you probably have to throw in plenty of discounts and freebies to keep your sporadic customers from you instead of jumping to a different consultant who’s offering better deals, or switching brands altogether?

    Me, I’ve got a brain that nitpicks improbable statements to bits.

    • Yep and will be under construction for a few years. I figure they’ll be at the Allen Events Center where they’ve been doing the Dallas Career Conference

  4. Tell me what is like to rise every day with hate on your heart?
    That I wouldn’t know, but I do tend to be grumpy in the morning. That having been said, “hate” in itself is not bad and wrong. Hating an exploitative system, for instance, is okay.

    I sell inconsistently bc that’s what works for me.
    Sounds like everybody sells inconsistently, if they sell at all.

    [My director] thanks me every month that I order.
    As well she should!

    Yea there’s dishonest people people with dollars signs in their eyes as there is in every arena, especially in this capitalistic society.
    Yikes! “Capitalism” is simply an economic system in which the means of production are held privately, and consumption is kept lower than production to allow for the buildup of “capital” to reinvest. It’s not a synonym for “dishonest” or “money-grubbing,” nor is it more conducive to those behaviors than socialism or communism. PTC, if you’re so high-minded that you don’t care about money, why do you have this side hustle?

    No one twist your arm to order inventory.
    From what I read on this site, they sure do.

    [I]t’s nice to dream of cars and trips….”
    Hey, wait a minute–I thought having dollar signs in your eyes was bad.

    Decide how much you want to make and how much time you have to spend and work accordingly. Simple.
    As long as you “want to make” practically nothing and work all the time to do so, yes, I guess that would be very simple.

  5. No, I don’t wake up each morning butthurt. My back DOES hurt this morning, though, and I’m fortunate that my massage therapist had a cancellation this afternoon. Those sore muscles are going to get some lovin’ today.

    Speaking of today, I took the day off. Yay PTO! I still get paid for not being at work today! Could you let me know if MK offers you that option?

    • Oh, man, when I had PT for sciatica (woohoo health benefits!) the massages were the best part of my week. To be fair, I did wake up butthurt until it subsided because sciatica pain starts mid-cheek and radiates down.

  6. Wow… Obsessed much? Tell me what is like to rise every day with hate on your heart?

    Not obsessed, just bemused by women’s rabid defense of a failing system. The only thing I hate when I get up is not having a cup of tea available. I see now why the teasmade/ coffee pots were popular retirement presents.

    I’m not a top earner.

    Oh, honey, we already knew that but thanks for re-enforcing the fact.

    I sell inconsistently bc (sic) that’s what works for me.

    That’s good because the numbers game requires ordering rather than sales.

    I’ve never bought more inventory than I needed bc (sic)I have a brain that is able to reason whether I need it or not. I don’t get caught up in trying to put on a front or earn something I didn’t work for, so I never over extend myself.

    Good for you, if that’s The Truth™. However there’s your $250/quarter order, your directors’ cars, stars and bars, not to mention their rings and court walks. That soon adds up.

    My director is available for advice when I need her, and she never pushes me to do anything I don’t want to do.

    Really?? We’ve seen directors who openly boast about not responding to those who do not buy the amount that director requires their down-lines to order. The desperation is palatable during “Dialing for Dollars” and similar end of the month or quarter events.

    She thanks me every month that I order.

    Of course she does. You’ve just earned her some nice commission. Your purchases have made her life easier, for this month at last.

    Yea there’s dishonest people people with dollars signs in their eyes as there is in every arena, especially in this capitalistic society.

    Welcome to late stage capitalism.

    However, when it gets down to it, from this site to YouTube and beyond, it sounds like those who are hellbent on tearing this company down are butt hurt because they made poor business decisions.

    No, it’s the whole MLM system I have a problem with.
    Seint, Rodan and Fields, and Bodi have switched from a MLM model to affiliate programmes. Alcone have dropped Limelife leaving their future rocky. Beauty Counter is currently in limbo while Monat in slowly circling the drain. Long time MLMs Tupperware and Avon are having problems as well.

    No one twist(sic) your arm to order inventory.

    Maybe, maybe not but I’m on Team Do It For Our Car when it comes to arm-twisting or not.

    The enthusiasm is infectious, and it’s nice to dream of cars and trips, but you have to be sober minded about your decisions.

    Info required: Have you ever earned a car or trip? What was your highest commission check?
    According to Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s own income disclosure it’s difficult to earn even minimum wage until you reach ISD which is less than 2% of all MKBots.

    I have team members and I explain it to them just like that. Decide how much you want to make and how much time you have to spend and work accordingly. Simple.

    So, you’ve already committed to raise up the ranks by having a down-line. Your earlier words are starting to ring hollow about “doing it the right way”.

    Once you have a down-line, everything chances. There’s going to be more pressure on your team to buy, buy, buy until your house of cards comes a-tumbling down and your director sweeps up those women and men who looked to you for guidance, making her unit a bit more sustainable until the next director in her team fails. Rinse and repeat.

  7. I wake every day with a purring cat on my heart … sitting on my ribs keeping me from rising.

    “I’ve never bought more inventory than I needed” … so you don’t have ANY inventory sitting there unsold? You never had to buy that little extra to keep your discount?

  8. What happens to you is ONLY WHAT HAPPENS FOR EVERYONE, I guess. Love it when people extrapolate their situation across the board to everyone else. Makes life so much easier, able to judge and condemn and never be wrong.

  9. You caught it, there is an obsession here alright… an obsession with preventing others from making the same stupid mistake of getting into a business where 99% of its participants lose money or barely break even despite all the hours they work at it.

    So you’re not a top earner but you make money at this right? How much do you make annually, and how many hours a week do you spend at it? Would love to know but never hear an answer on this, despite that posting here is totally anonymous.


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