A Fake Mary Kay Friendship

mary kay girlfriendsA new Mary Kay recruit, almost reeled in by a sales director who she thought was becoming her friend. But it was really all about the inventory.

So, I’ve always been well aware of the name Mary Kay. It’s been a name that has been tossed around a few times in my 30 years of living. I’ve had friends cross the path of pink bubblehood and come out a little scathed. I even attended a facial and event a few years back with a good friend. At the time though, I didn’t have any desire to sell MK.

I was at a clothing store and that’s when it happened. This cute, bubbly woman was shopping in the same department as me and she remarked on my amazing shoes. Well, they were pretty amazing, so I couldn’t blame her, and before I knew it we were chatting and she told me that she owned her own business and she was doing a portfolio and she would love to use me for a before and after picture. Of course I agreed. We parted ways.

She called me a few days later and left a voicemail, I called her back and that’s when her voicemail revealed that she was a part of this tribe called Mary Kay. So, I went ahead with the facial because I had done it before and I really didn’t mind meeting women and maybe gaining a friend out of the little event. So, I went, and I actually saw someone there that I knew, and we chit chatted for a bit, and soon we were off. It was a two hour event. Of course I was asked if I wanted to join Mary Kay at the end, and I declined, but I was seriously considering it. I mean who wouldn’t want a car? I was up for a little change, I was up for meeting friends.. nothing wrong with that, right?

A week later, my “director” and I met up for another meeting at a coffee shop, and we really had a connection. We are only a couple years a part, and I could really see us becoming friends. I was signed up that night. $100 isn’t bad.

A week later we were meeting again and that’s when she brought out the inventory sheet. I was a little appalled by this. I was already at the point where I knew I would not be selling to close family and friends because I knew they didn’t need it, but I did not have any issues with going out to a clothing store and asking someone to work with me in Mary Kay, I mean why not?? But why couldn’t I buy as I needed? What was the huge hurry?

But the more my “director” talked, the more I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I had just signed up for $2300 worth of inventory and I didn’t know why. She kept talking and I kept thinking, what am I getting into?? I left feeling sick. I called my friend who had given me a facial some years ago, and had to know why she did not sell MK anymore. She filled me in on some interesting information.

That night I called my “director” and told her not to charge my credit card. I said I am not doing this. I told her that something just didn’t feel right, and of course she could not understand this, because she knew I would be perfect for the business.. She said, it has everything I am looking for, flexibility, a car, friends, what more could I ask for. The next day I went to work and talked with my supervisor… she had also sold MK. She also filled me in on some interesting information and introduced me to this site. Oh where would I be without you women who had already been through some of the horrors of MK?? Thank you.

So, I returned my starter kit to my director and of course haven’t heard a word from her since. It’s a very sad thing to hear about all of these stories, it’s even more sad to know that many more out there are still following MK with full passion and losing so much from it.


  1. Everything is fake in Mary Kay. The friendships, the opportunity, the facials, entrepreneurship, the business terminology, the retail sales, and most definitely the financial success! All fake.

    I am so glad you discovered this before you invested real money in this fake business.

    Bullet dodged!

  2. BRAVO! Dear Friday Critic(s): Please read articles like this. “Director” that just cracks me up. That’s a title typically reserved for executive types in the real world.


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