Every Consultant Can Hold 2 Classes a Week

I’m not sure how a Kaybot can presume to know the details of everyone’s life and conclude that anyone and everyone can hold 2 Mary Kay classes a week… but that’s not stopping them! Below is another one of those “if you can’t do it you’re a loser” type of rantings from a Mary Kay NSD.

In the Mary Kay world, “2 classes” is easy and anyone can do it. Those of us who have been in Mary Kay (or have had friends and relatives in MK) know that the hard part of that theory is actually finding women to book the classes, then hoping that they actually have them. That’s a lot harder than it may sound to an outsider.

Clearly, the home party business model is outdated and no longer viable on a wide scale. Oh sure, you’ll occasionally find a woman or two who is dying to get her friends together for some girl time and decides a Mary Kay party would be fun. Virtual parties have been successful over the last year, but that’s no longer interesting or exciting. But Mary kay parties are less and less exciting to women, making the MK hustle harder.

If you can get over the hurdle of actually having a class hold and having more than one or two women there, then you get to the sales part. Kaybots will suggest that you’ll sell $150 to $200 per class even if you don’t know what you’re doing. And anyone who denies those numbers are true was just a bad sales person.

In my experience, the assumption that women will buy $50-$100 per person is not based in reality. Of course it happens sometimes. And occasionally you’ll have one class with really high sales because a couple of women go crazy. But on a regular basis, you’ll see one or two people buy a fair amount (in that $50-$100 range) and one or two people make a pity purchase (a lipstick or lip gloss). Those numbers aren’t so hot when you figure all the time you spend trying to get that one class to happen.

Ahhh… but then we get to the real reason we’re being pushed to hold two classes a week: recruiting. Yes, the whole Mary Kay con comes back around to recruiting.

And don’t forget… if you don’t succeed at Mary Kay, it’s only because you’re a loser and you didn’t do enough. No matter what you did, you will always be blamed for not doing “enough.”

Except we at Pink Truth know the real truth: That those who really succeed in Mary Kay work it 24/7 and have a good bit of luck (right time, right place) thrown in. Your results are not in line with your efforts, because MLMs don’t allow for that. The business model is set up in such a way that only a tiny percentage can actually succeed and turn a profit.

Enjoy this bit of inspiration from a Mary Kay national sales director:

It is my observation that every consultant can find the time to hold an average of 2 classes per week. Yes, even the consultant who has 1 1/2 jobs and family responsibilities. Rarely do you meet a person who does not spend 6-10 hours per week in front of the television, playing Bunko, or some other activity which has nothing to do with her job or her family. What could it mean to her to invest that time into preparing for, traveling to, and holding 2 classes per week?

Find 2 times per week that you would be willing to hold classes. Then, highlight those times in your datebook for an entire year. Then, get on the phone for and Hour of Power to schedule 2 appointments in each of those times. Don’t be afraid to double book – it doesn’t mean you’ll be holding 2 classes (that almost never happens). It does mean that when one of them postpones, you’ll still have a class to hold. Double booking is all about smart use of your time – it’s about dealing with the disappointment of postponements. (In the event that both hold, just do both classes at your home or at one of the hostess’ homes offering her an extra gift for pulling up 4 more chairs.)

Decrease postponements and increase sales by doing all the steps of hostess coaching (check you Career Essentials and Hostess Coaching on this website for coaching tips).

Now, what can the 2 classes do? Let’s say your first classes meet the national average for new untrained, unskilled consultants of $150 – $200 in sales. Two classes per week at $175 would give you $350 in sales. Your 40% paycheck (once you get your inventory built to profit taking leave) is $140. That’s $140 profit for 2 classes. Couldn’t you find 4-6 hours a week for $140?

Just think what will happen as your skills increase and you build just a small reorder business. It has been my observation that consultants who are consistently holding 2 classes per week will have their sales to $500 per week in just a few short weeks. These are averages, not guarantees.

$500 weeks = $2,000 months. Your 40% paycheck for a $2,000 month is $800 a month. 60% to replace what you sold in $1200 wholesale. $1200 wholesale every month is Emerald Star status every quarter. Being an Emerald Star each quarter puts you with in a few dollars of National Court of Sales.

What could an extra $800 a month mean to your family? Vacation, swimming pool, braces!

That’s not all. Let’s look at what 2 classes a week can do for recruiting. It has been my observation that there is at least one good recruit prospect at every class (a person who needs money, is already working 2 jobs, needs to get out of the house, is looking for a way to get back home). Company statistics teach us that ever new consultant can expect to recruit one out of every 5 prospects. So, if there is one prospect at every class and you make the effort to do some follow-up (give her a recruiting packet, book a class with her, invite her to weekly events, set up an interview with her), you should get a new recruit from every 4-5 classes. That’s 2 recruits per month. That’s a free car for anyone in 6 months. And, if each of them orders a minimum of $600 wholesale before the Seminar year ends, that mean you walk on stage at Seminar as a member of the Court of Recruiting.

You deserve the financial supplement 2 classes a week can mean, as well as the company prizes. Are you willing to discipline yourself to hold 2 classes per week?


So what does it really take to move up? Have you been thinking that maybe you need to keep your job or get a regular hours job? Do you need to make more money with your MK business? Read on…

My heart yearns for you to truly understand this concept… You will get out of MK what you put into it!!! Bottom-line there is no short cut and there is no magic. It’s a real job that you can get paid nicely… If you do your job. If you worked at Wal-Mart, you would have to do something to get minimum wage. If you work your MK with half the hours but all the dedication, you could get a company car-the suit-nice commission checks!

If you hold appointments –you will sell product. If you follow-up with clients –you will sell products. If you ask for appointments- – you will book appointments. If you share the facts about the MK Opportunity — you will recruit. If you attend Career Conference, Weekly Trainings, Seminar and other events– you will get motivated, educated, inspired and trained.

I challenge you to prove me wrong!!! Work your MK business for 3 months like a part-time job. Determine the hours you will be “working”. Determine how much pay you would like. Then plan your work hours to support your paycheck. For example, if you want to work 9-2 while the kids are in school and one night for your weekly training and you want to make $200 a week…. then
you will need to sell $450 a week. Without reorders and recruiting, you will need to see about 5-9 women if you average only $50 in sales per person… that’s 5-9 individual makeovers or 2-5 if you have 2 at each appt or maybe just 1-2 parties. Increase your sales and then see less people or make more money!

Then plan… When will you make follow-up phone calls? If you need to make new contacts when will you network? Will you advertise your business-through the PCP or other means (company approved, of course)? When will you do your paperwork… taxes, enter clients in My Customers, place orders, bag reorders, put together face bags, etc…. or can you hire someone to do those things?

What gets me the most is when I hear that a Consultant is quitting because she’s not “making enough money” in MK for her family’s goals….. BUT she didn’t hold appts, she wouldn’t make the time to get to trainings, she wouldn’t spend a few dollars on a babysitter, she wouldn’t bother her friends and family to buy the products, etc…… YET she will go to a job and pay a babysitter and go to their trainings to learn that job, all the while her friends and family are buying makeup and skin care from someone. In Mary Kay you work to increase YOUR business and YOUR paycheck. You can work really hard at a job and get paid the same… heck, you could even get promoted to be paid less or fired because you make too much! In MK, you work hard and you will be compensated!!!!!!

Ok, so a few of you may be saying…. I tried and it didn’t work for me. Then I would have to evaluate your SKILL level. Did you really try or did you just go to a few training, talk to a few people and maybe hold a few appts? Did you call friends and say that you want them to book a party FOR you? Or did you call and tell them how much fun, how easy and how much she could get free? Did you hand out cards without a conversation to follow or did you meet people, talk and then offer her your business card and ask for her information? Did you just give them an order form to write down what they want or did you offer sets at the end of your appts then talk with them individually to pick their sets and payment options? Did you give her the option of two dates, Tuesday at 10 or Thursday 2… or did you just say,”whenever is good for you?”

Did she say that she is too busy and you believed her or did you give her some ideas of how she could work MK around her life? Did she say that she already uses brand x and you said thanks anyway or did you say that brand x is a great product and you would love her opinion of MK? Did you ask someone if she would like to maybe sell MK or did you say that you would love to share more about MK with her because you think she’d be great?

There are sooo many skills, even after 17 years, I am still learning scripts and skills to better my results.

So talk to your Director… she wants your success probably more than you want it for you. She will guide you and train you. And if you don’t have a Director that will then go to MKLearn on intouch or order some cd’s to self-teach or go to Career Conf or to another Director’s meeting. You are the Boss of YOU….get what you need so you can be a success!

So much belief in YOU and this incredible business that works when we work it!!!!!


  1. Rarely do you meet a person who does not spend 6-10 hours per week in front of the television, playing Bunko, or some other activity which has nothing to do with her job or her family.

    People need down-time, especially now. The idea that people, but most especially women, need to be working all the time should be abolished.

    • Exactly! If you’re already working a full-time job AND a part-time job AND you have a family to take care of, a few hours of down-time every week is a necessity, not a waste.

  2. There is a lot to unpack in this particular load of cow patties. I want to go full Destiny Angel and break it down line by line. But I have to get to my actual sales job this morning. Where I leveraged all the SKILLS I learned in MK to vault myself into a six-figure position with benefits where they pay for my training and travel. For those curious, that’s about 7x what I was earning with my super-duper successful director job with Mary Kay. Yes, after 14 years as a consultant/director. Yes, after attending every single training. Yes, after learning, mastering, and using every script. Yes, after sacrificing my family and friends on the altar of the all-mighty Mary Kay infinite-last-names Ash.

    So, Ms. NSD, until I get time to eviscerate you properly, take your pile of bull by the horns and shove it where the sun don’t shine.


    I hate this so much. No, it is not up to you when your success is entirely dependent on other people wanting what you’re selling.

    When I go to my job, yes, they expect me to do work, heaven forbid. But in exchange for that, I get a guaranteed paycheck every week (MUCH more than minimum wage, thank you!), plus insurance, paid time off, etc. And at the end of the day at work, I can leave and not have to do anything related to my job until the next day. I don’t have to work 24/7.

  4. “That those who really succeed in Mary Kay work it 24/7 and have a good bit of luck (right time, right place) thrown in.”

    You forgot “right mom”

    • Yep. The “successful” ones I’ve seen recently:

      — Are young and pretty
      — Have wealthy families
      — Are in college, surrounded by girls just like themselves (aka “recruitable”)
      — Have a mom who’s a “higher-up” in MK and “knows the ropes”

  5. “BUT she didn’t hold appts, she wouldn’t make the time to get to trainings, she wouldn’t spend a few dollars on a babysitter, she wouldn’t bother her friends and family to buy the products, etc…… YET she will go to a job and pay a babysitter and go to their trainings to learn that job…”

    Wait a minute here… I have to spend additional money to hire a babysitter for training, pay for said MK training, AND bother F&F to buy my worthless products? Yet my JOB pays for my training and (in many cases) pays for my babysitter/childcare?

    This doesn’t add up. It never has, and it flies in the face of the “Faith, Family, Career” crap that is constantly spewed.

  6. It all sounds exhausting. I don’t want to BUY makeup this way. I sure as heck don’t want to SELL it this way!

    Personal interaction isn’t always a good thing. For the acquisition of what is essentially a commodity, there is such as a thing as too much–WAY too much.

    • MK consultants talk about building relationships. I don’t want a relationship, I just want to buy a product.

      Last evening, I relaxed in my favorite chair and ordered a few items from Sephora. Easy, fast, plus free shipping…and I accumulated points and selected two free samples. My order will arrive at my door day after tomorrow. I’m very happy shopping this way.

      When I was shopping for a new foundation some time ago, I went to Sephora and they used a hand-held device near my face to determine the right shade for me. I was very pleased with their recommendation.

      MK ladies just don’t seem very professional. They put out silly videos and social media posts. Some can’t spell or use proper grammar. They can’t explain product ingredients, and can’t even pronounce ingredient names.

      I’m interested in serious products that provide results, not transient gimmicks like “pink” masks, heart-shaped pumice stones, glittery eye patches, and mint foot-cream and fuzzy socks.

      Sorry, MK consultants. I don’t trust you to give me great skin-care or makeup advice. I’ll spend my money elsewhere.

  7. “…you should get a new recruit from every 4-5 classes. That’s 2 recruits per month.

    Prove me wrong.”

    The math proves you wrong. It is impossible for everyone in any MLM to have even one direct recruit under them. The average number of direct recruits must be less than one. If one person has 5, another 5 people must have zero. This is the foolishness of the MLM “opportunity.” Since there is a limited population of humans on earth, MLM’s endless-chain recruiting model can only work for the tiny sliver at the top. These mathematical limitations simply cannot be avoided.

    You can see the endless-chain outcomes laid out mathematically here:


  8. And nothing about pricing. The only thing this NSD talks about is classes, as if the product will then magically sell itself at full price. But then she talks about the consultant giving away tons of the stuff she paid for: “Or did you call and tell them…how much she could get free?”

    And then this little gem: “Did she say that she is too busy and you believed her…?” Ugh. Just UGH. How disrespectful!

    And people put up with this patronizing, victim-blaming disingenous BS!

    Today’s post is making me almost as angry as last week’s post about the husband whose wife blew essentially a million dollars of the family’s resources.

  9. “So talk to your Director… she wants your success probably more than you want it for you.”

    …well yeah because your “success” is crucial to her keeping her rank and getting a bigger check.



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