Written by Raisinberry

When I quit Mary Kay, it was mostly due to reading Pink Truth, and a validation of finally seeing in print, what I thought I alone suspected, all along. The words we were never able to utter, were plastered all over the comments and articles on these pages. I felt naked and exposed. I was looking at my screen, and seeing “me” in all my denial.

I always loved the women in my unit. I thought the world of them, and still do. Walking away was hard because I thought it would mean I would leave them defenseless. By the time I found Pink truth, I had already stopped the frontloading. I stopped recruiting guests/customers out from under my unit members who hadn’t even made a sale from them yet.

I was taking it slow with my unit. We were talking “selling.” Many directors I knew were saying the same thing. We were going to rebuild everybody’s customer base and offer the opportunity to only those who had already been hostesses, as Mary Kay herself had told us. We stopped the debuts that were really mini guest events, and stopped recruiting our new people’s people before they ever got a chance to hold a class.

We were beginning fresh. And in three months, we were tanking, barely pulling in the minimum wholesale to stay a unit. Eyes wide open, it was decision time for me.

My NSD was right. Production comes from new recruits, frontloaded with as much inventory as their little cards could handle. Anything ordered by existing unit members was extra. Let that sink in… orders from consultants who were selling were generally minimal. Oh sure, a unit here or there has someone who has been around a while and is consistently selling and reordering. But for the most part, directors can’t count on production for existing unit members.

It wasn’t really the production drop that pushed me over the edge when deciding to leave Mary Kay. I built my unit back up many times, but after I found Pink Truth, I couldn’t do it anymore. I knew too much.

Once a person starts reading this site and realizes how much is concealed, how “Positive Mental Attitude” is used to keep everyone in the dark, it just sickens the soul.

I had decided that my upline was just “pink fogged,” as I had been, and not malicious or self serving. I just couldn’t believe that she knew how deceptive Mary Kay really was. She had to be like me, fogged and in denial. Then I found out I was wrong. Wow, was that disappointing.

It is a painful thing to admit that I walked away and left my personal and unit recruits in the hands of a woman who is lying to them and lying to herself.

Once I left Mary Kay, it was is I had fallen into the clutches of the dark side of the force. Too bad. I was such a good Director. So sad. My mind was poisoned by truth.

What is truth? Are we at Pink Truth right, or did we just have many bad examples of the worst kind of behavior? Is Mary Kay right – in that this is just an opportunity and women with poor ethics rise to the top and teach others to do the same? How is that the opportunity’s fault – the company’s fault?

It takes a return to ethics and a long hard look in the mirror to realize that you have looked the other way for your own self serving gains… and maybe preservation. You have slanted the “truth” to accommodate what others may want to hear. You have omitted information to manipulate the perception of your listeners. Truth is truth.

But it’s perspective that decides what you will believe. As long as you won’t look at all the facts, you will live just short of the truth. That’s why Mary Kay and the NSDs and directors do not want you reading this site. You will have a major “perspective” change, and that will change your “truth.”

Mary Kay’s motive is profit. Never forget that. They have decades worth of former consultants and Directors who have attested to the truth we are posting here, and they do not care, nor change, what they do. Their goal is to prevent you from finding us, believing us, because the way things are currently done in Mary Kay, is simply too profitable.


  1. I think more and more women are both coming out of the pink fog and quitting or not joining at all. NSD’s are retiring and not as many taking their place. The attendance at Career Conference and Seminar is down. In the not too distant past there were 5 Mary Kay Seminar Areas- Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond and Pearl. Starting July 1 2025 there will only be 3 -Emerald, Sapphire and Diamond as Mary Kay corporate realigns to balance the sales force. That can only mean it is diminishing. I think we have to recognize that Pink Truth is playing a big part in this. Keep telling your story.

  2. “Their goal is to prevent you from finding us, believing us, because the way things are currently done in Mary Kay, is simply too profitable.”

    It is impossible, today, to know just how much of the product “ordered” in MK goes unsold. Mary Kay Corp most certainly does not want to know this figure, which is why they don’t track final retail sales.

    My guess is it is well over 50%, and based on articles like this, maybe even north of 80%. If true, this would mean Mary Kay Corp makes the majority of their revenue off products ordered that never make it into the hands of paying outside customers.

    In other words, MKC profitability depends directly and heavily on the aggregate losses in the MK downlines. Outside sales are merely optional, not required, for upline and corporate profitability.

    Just like every other MLM-based company.


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