Manipulation Right From the Start

You’re familiar with the manipulation (lies, coercion, etc.) that goes on during the Mary Kay recruiting process. We know that they use manipulation to get women to purchase inventory packages. But did you know that the manipulation can happen even in the process of getting the “yes” from the new recruit?

What if she says yes she’s going to sign up, but she wants to wait a couple of months? Maybe she doesn’t have money in her budget for the starter kit, or she has to arrange child care so she can work, or any of a number of reasons.

That’s not good enough.

Mary Kay recruiters never want you to wait! The greatest risk is that you will change your mind, especially if you decide to do some research at some point.

There is a script to make the recruit say “yes” sooner! First you agree with her. Then you tell her that you’re going to be in Mary Kay next week, next month, next year, 10 years from now. When she is ready, you’ll be here and will be ready to work with her.

But then you tell her that you need to be honest with her and share a big goal that is important to A LOT OF PEOPLE at the end of this month. You give her some history behind your goad and your deadline.

Here’s an example:

I am in the process of becoming a director so that my husband will be able to quit his full time job in which he travels two to three days every week, and be able to do only his second job full-time and be able to stay home with our two boys and not travel.

So you can see why finishing this goal is so important to me, and you know, if I were sitting today where you are sitting, I’d want to know the whole story, and I would want to know that if I joined Mary Kay now instead of in 2 months, that it would make a BIG difference to the person recruiting me and the others involved on the team.

So if there is any way possible for you to go ahead and make that decision today and get your showcase ordered and your inventory decision made, we can begin by doing your business debut right next month or whenever you choose, that’s fine. It would make a big difference to me.

Then you simply be quiet. They often say that in sales, the first person to talk loses. So you simply wait for her to say yes.


  1. I am in the process of becoming a director so that my husband will be able to quit his full time job in which he travels two to three days every week, and be able to do only his second job full-time and be able to stay home with our two boys and not travel.

    Having had a husband who travelled for work, the idea that he’d have enough time in the week to work a second full-time job of thirty-five hours hours, let alone forty hours, is laughable. I’d be asking questions about how he schedules all that.

    • There have been instances of people remotely working a second full-time job during their time in office, or working two remote jobs at once.

      However, even if I believed a word of that, which I don’t, it just shows that selling MK doesn’t make a dime of money if the other spouse has to work two jobs.

      Besides, their financial problems are nothing to do with me and I’d resent the hell out of her for trying to guilt me into becoming their money tree.

      And I’ve had people try the silence trick on me. Silence is golden to me.

      • In 5th grade, I was voted “Miss Giggler”. When someone strikes me speechless, IT IS noteworthy! So my stellar moment in my life was when I was being offered a job transfer in a state 1200 miles away, overseeing the merger of the company I worked for into another similar company. I was offered a salary amount that staggered me lololol. I WAS SPEECHLESS!!! So, the wonderful lady who was offering the position with oodles of perks as well took my silence for “not enough” and added another $2,000 a year to it. I did agree lol and am so grateful I had that opportunity. Just so funny to me how my stunned silence PAID OFF FOR ONCE!!!!

  2. In invitation to get entangled in someone else’s personal finances is a huge red flag. Sadly, this exploitation of a woman’s good nature sometimes works.

    This is sick and wrong.

  3. Seriously, I’d wonder why her husband was working two jobs if she’s making the “executive income in a few hours a week” that I was promised by my recruiter.

    • Plus taking care of their kids! If she’s not working a 9-5 or looking after the kids, she ought to be selling truckloads of products every day and making executive income without being a director.

  4. so the stranger you “warm chatted” at Starbucks who is short on cash is supposed to care about *your* goals? Sales is about what you can do for them.



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