Caption This Mary Kay Photo
We haven’t done this for a while! Give me your best caption for this pic from Career Conference!
We haven’t done this for a while! Give me your best caption for this pic from Career Conference!
That's one weird down-vote!
Why yes, yes we can. https://lazygardens.blogspot.com/2015/04/mary-kay-ash-and-missing-marriages.html?m=1
I certainly will! Her and Megan Wilkes Coleman both!!!M
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.
Let’s pretend to pray so they don’t know that we are indeed vampires.
Dear Lord, please let me not regret not retiring last year and that every new consultant enters with a Pearl Inventory initial order. Please take down Pink Truth. Please pray my wig glue holds. Amen.
Dear Lord, please don’t let the string holding my pearls break and spill fake pearls all over the stage.
“When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get.” ~ Matthew 6:5 (NLT)
It’s about the optics.
Dear Lord,
Please let them have low self esteem and good credit.
McKynzliye is thinking of sending product back. Please Jesus, for me and my unit, please let her wait two more days til after month end. I can’t afford the Cadillac copay. We drive these wheels for you.
P.s. plz tell Mary Kay I’m still trying to recruit. I still treasure the letter she wrote me the day after Christmas.
Pearls before swine.
They’re not praying; they’re checking up on their brackets.