Mary Kay Will Change Your Life!
Mary Kay sure will change your life! Thousands of dollars of debt. No time for your family. Lying to new recruits to try to get them to sign up and buy inventory. Strain on your marriage from the cost of Mary Kay and the pressure to hide the truth from your husband. Unwilling to consider the negative reality of Mary Kay. But certainly NOT in the ways this director would have you believe…
Written by Kate
We are sitting at lunch when my best friend casually mentions that she and her husband are having a hard time making ends meet financially. Even with both her and her husband working, she is going to have to get another job. We are considering many options, she says. Why would you recommend Mary Kay? “It changes your life,” I say without hesitation.
But now I begin to really analyze my Mary Kay Career as I consider offering it to my best friend. I look at my friend, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn at New Consultant Training. I want her to know that embarking on a Mary Kay career means she’ll be required to do much more than match a foundation shade or sell a tube of lipstick. I wish she could know the stories and triumphs of so many whose lives have been changed by their choice to try Mary Kay Cosmetics.
I wish she could have been there to watch Darlene earn the use of her Mary Kay career car – watching the look of accomplishment and pride on her face as she sat for the first time in her car. My mind races back to Ruth – who started Mary Kay so shy that she wasn’t able to speak more than a couple of words in front of a group – who through taking Mary Kay baby steps, was able to conquer a lifelong fear of talking in front of a group. I wish my friend could meet Susan, who was able to singularly support the family while allowing her husband to go back to school to accomplish his lifelong dream.
I thought of Christie, who on less than 15 hours per week, was able to earn a free car and become a Mary Kay Sales Director-while working a full time job. I wish she could have heard the message on my answering machine from Nancy, as she called to tell me that today was Thomas’s last day in day care-she would now be able to stay home with him full time-all because of her Mary Kay career.
And the beautiful story of Cindy – who always struggled with low self esteem-and how Mary Kay replaced her dunce cap with a beautiful crown – as she was honored as the top director at Seminar. I wish my friend could have seen the tears in Walt’s eyes as he watched his daughter, Dottie, earn her Mary Kay red jacket-thanking me for helping to bring life and hope back to his daughters life.
Should I tell her that her own children’s lives will be forever changed as a result of a Mary Kay career – that they will be heard telling each other, “You can do it,” and “I believe in you,” when trying to learn how to ride a bicycle. You will drive by a car dealership and hear your 4-year-old son say, “Look at all the free cars.” You will smile – and not tell him any different. That your child’s outlook on life will be different than that of their friends – they will have witnessed the power of a dream fulfilled, the importance of a work ethic, and that those who really gain in this life are those who give of themselves.
Her children will grow up and seek for a career they love, just as mommy did, rather than settling for a job they despise. And they will believe that Mommy can achieve anything – because she chose to face her fears directly – and conquer them one by one. I should tell her that her relationship with her husband will change. He will look at her differently-respect her for the discipline, tenacity and motivation it takes to do what she does. She will over hear him bragging of her success on phone conversations to his father and his friends.
I want to describe to my friend the exhilaration of helping someone win the use of a car, pay off a credit card debt, make her first $50 hour, or earn a prestigious red jacket. But then I realize that these moments cannot be described — they must be felt in the heart. I realize that the only way she can fall in love with this company is to experience it herself.
I give her the only thing I can give her-my word that Mary Kay will change her life. And knowing that my best friend trusts me as a sister – without hesitation I tell her that if she decides to make Mary Kay a part of her life-she will never regret it. It is sooo true!
After 28 years in this incredible company… I could write pages and pages like this story above!!! If you are new… and haven’t experienced this yet… hang on!! No matter what obstacles you face…hang on and make it work! Your life will continue to be more and more blessed!!!! 🙂
28 years in and still a director? Go figure. I guess it took Moses longer to reach the land of milk and honey.
The November Applause highlights a Sr. Director who debuted 21 years ago. Imagine being in corporate America–same company–and remaining nor farther along in 2 decades.
Another fact in this issue is that only 10 units nationwide added 20 or more new Consultants in July. Business is “booming”!
Can you send me that article and the bit about adding 20 new consultants? I’d like to do an article….
I just Googled it. It’s about the 5th result down. “Mary Kay Applause November 2017”.
I come across many SDs and SSDs who are “proud” to say they’ve been in MK 21 years, 28 years, 30 years. Don’t they realize how bad that sounds? I guess not.
They love to say they are in “leadership” positions. And I’ve heard them refer to Red Jacket as “middle-management.” LOL
Readers, don’t fall for this nonsense. Get a real job with real pay and benefits.
Meeting with your Mary Kay sisters weekly at Starbucks to hold a “Booking Blitz” of texting people, giggling, and feigning excitement is not a job. It’s an embarrassment.
“I thought of Christie, who on less than 15 hours per week, was able to earn a free car and become a Mary Kay Sales Director-while working a full time job.”
SPLORF! Ok, gotta wipe that up….
So yeah, no where in Mary Kay does anyone make false claims!!! Just 15 hours a week and she won her “free” car and became a Director….Yeah, I bet she loves telling that life changing story…too bad it is as unlikely—no impossible—as any other pink persuasion she dreams up…
Gotta love the power of the borrowed “I-Story”…a fantastical realm, where pigs fly and credit cards appear magically in wallets…
Where’s this “wonderful testimonial” from?
You will drive by a car dealership and hear your 4-year-old son say, “Look at all the free cars.” You will smile – and not tell him any different. That your child’s outlook on life will be different than that of their friends ”
OH! That cars are ‘free’? That cars go away when the big daddy truck comes to pick them up and take them away? That Mommies go away on Thursday nights, no matter what you’ve got going on? That other mommies avoid mommy because she hounds them day and night? That there are always piles and piles of little pink and black boxes all over the house.
Yep. Their outlook on life WILL certainly be different than that of their friends.
I recently saw a SD doing a hangout video. At one point, her little girl wandered over into the frame:
> “Mommy, I’m really, really hungry.”
> “Mommy’s making a video, now, OK?”
Oh gawd. You are kidding. Mommy’s making a video now…and she didn’t even have the sense to stop, feed her child, and start over. SMH.
I stopped by a Director’s home and saw her realize, only when her husband pointed it out, that she’d not fed her kids all day long. She was “so focused” that she forgot to feed them. They’d been sitting in front of the TV all day.
I resigned soon after that.
Picking my jaw up off the floor . . .
I see nothing has changed since I made this …
A Mary Kay Thanksgiving with Barbara and Danny
Hilarious, especially the part about winning the privilege of buying the NSD dinner!
Ugh – bring out the Pepto-Bismol.
Yes, please bring your friend who is struggling financially into your Wonderful World of Pink, where she will accumulate even more debt and stress. Did your nose get any bigger when you were telling her that story?
Yes, nod and smile when your preschooler thinks cars are free. Under no circumstances do you need to explain that people work jobs to earn money to purchase the vehicle of their choice.
The BS Meter posted by pinkvictim says it all.
I wish she could have heard the message on my answering machine from Nancy, as she called to tell me that today was Thomas’s last day in day care-she would now be able to stay home with him full time-all because of her Mary Kay career.
Let me guess … she can no longer afford the daycare fees because she quite her J.O.B. to pursue her Mary Kay career full time?
So Thomas will be parked full time in front of the telly with kiddy videos while she desperately works her business?
** Mic drop **
“And the beautiful story of Cindy – who always struggled with low self esteem-and how Mary Kay replaced her dunce cap with a beautiful crown – as she was honored as the top director at Seminar.”
That is so, so depressing.
Was this really from a person??? If so what a bunch of lies. If you don’t personally know several hundred folk who are going to buy all of their makeup from you, you won’t make minimum wage, let alone more over 30 or 60 days. Trust me-dont waste your time unless you like/can sell used cars with great success.
You simply can’t establish an actual customer base of 300 women in this day and age. And when I mean actual customer base, I mean women who are buying the bulk of their products from you throughout the year. A select few women have a customer base like this, but they’re legacy consultants. They’ve been doing this for decades. Now? You couldn’t possibly establish a strong customer base like this because women have too many other options available to them.
Yea- ok.
The lady who recruited me (who is a really good friend) sat at my dining room table IN TEARS because her husband found out that she blew though all of their savings and their bank account was at nearly 0 (and he makes 6 figures!) because she **had** to make director! How? Well she had about 5 or 6 consultants that were inactive (myself included) and so she paid for us to get re-active. Then she tells me that she was SO STRESSED out that last night of DIQ that she nearly broke down in Costco. And I looked at her and said “is it really worth it?” She looked at me and said “it will be ok. I will get that money back”
She ended up stepping down as a director the next month.
Oh. I would like to mention- I am not active, I refuse to go active again. I enjoyed my $225 of free stuff that she so graciously paid for to get her director status, but it will not make up for the money I set my own family back when I joined only to realized it was all the biggest load of BS I had ever been involved in.
Most of us would like a financial do-over here or there, but at least you cut your losses and I’m assuming have not broken down in Costco. Congrats!
And one of Sephora’s big sales starts today. Now THAT’s a Force MK can’t compete with!
I nearly turned into one of these people when trying to recruit a friend to MK. The next morning I realized how disgusted I was, texted her that it’s a bad idea and for her not to sign up. I left MK shortly after and returned my inventory. I got back the majority of what I spent and paid off my cc. The best part, I’m free! 🙂