That's one weird down-vote!
We want Pink Truth to be a welcoming place for those coming out of Mary Kay and other predatory multi-level marketing companies. To that end, we have implemented the following guildelines and rules.
Our main site is visible by the general public. The front page has the most recent postings of news, information, opinions, and analyses. Visitors are permitted to post replies to the daily blog articles, so long as comments follow the guidelines on this page. We ask that comments be “on topic” for the articles that they’re posted under. The site also has a discussion board which requires registration, and you can choose your own topics for discussion there.
Comments that are openly hostile to our mission or our friends will not be allowed. Opposing viewpoints that are presented in a respectful fashion will be considered for publication, but may not necessarily be ultimately published. This site is intended to expose the darker side of Mary Kay, MLMs, and pyramid schemes. Those wishing to extol the virtues of these types of companies should not participate on Pink Truth. In other words, we do not allow people to praise or promote Mary Kay or any other MLM on this site.
Our Members
Pink Truth is a tool for friends and strangers to exchange information, encourage one another, and discuss topics of interest. It is meant to be fun and helpful. We have developed a fun-loving, close-knit community of women (and a few men) with a wide variety of interests. Pink Truth is proud of the community, and is committed to protecting community members from those who oppose them and the Pink Truth mission.
Let’s try to be respectful of one another and of opposing views. When you disagree, do so in a courteous manner. The site is not intended to be a place where participants attack one another. Anyone who can’t play nicely may sanctioned or may have their registration suspended.
The site is generally for those who have left (or are considering leaving) Mary Kay (or other multi-level marketing companies or pyramid schemes). We understand that those who are active in Mary Kay may be seeking information from this site and may be questioning their involvement, so we understand their desire to be here. We will allow them to participate at our discretion, provided that they abide by the rules set forth here.
Site Administration
It’s not possible for the administrators to read all messages and monitor all topics. Please understand that we therefore cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information posted by members. The messages that are posted are the responsibility of those posting them.
However, if at any time you read a message of a questionable nature (blatant advertising, inappropriate content, profanity, offensive content, etc.) please report that message to a moderator by clicking “report to moderator.”
Pink Truth does reserve the right to edit all postings on the site, at our discretion. However, we cannot honor your request to delete or edit posts that you have submitted to the site. With this in mind, please be cautious about what information you include in your postings, such as personally identifying information.
Site Conduct
Violation of these rules may be cause for the loss of privileges on Pink Truth, at the sole discretion of the moderators. While freedom of speech still rules in the United States, that doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want on Pink Truth. We reserve the right to modify or delete comments that are deemed to be inappropriate, against our forum rules, inflammatory, or otherwise not acceptable. Participating on the Pink Truth is a privilege, and not a right.
Private messaging is available on the discussion board to allow members to have private conversations with one another without disclosing email addresses or other private information. Private messages (PMs) are not meant as a means to abuse or intimidate other members, and the general site rules also apply to private messaging.
Users are allowed one account each. Multiple accounts are not allowed for any users and will be deleted. Members are not permitted to change their login names, so please choose your screen name wisely.
Advertising is not allowed on this site. Pink Truth is not a place for you to sell your goods or services. If someone inquires about a particular product or service, you are welcome to reply. However, blatant advertising will not be tolerated either on the public pages of the site, or via private messaging. On occasion, Pink Truth will permit advertising by selected individuals. This is solely at our discretion and does not mean that you are free to advertise. Similarly, there are no solicitations for donations or causes allowed on the site.
Promoting MLMs or any mlm-related businesses (tools, websites for promoting mlms, etc) is not allowed on Pink Truth. This means there are no links allowed. Violation of this rule is cause for being immediately and permanently banned from the site.
Short signature lines are allowed in your community profile. You may include one short sentence about your business unless it is MLM or anything related to direct sales or MLM. Signature lines may be removed at our discretion.
Promoting websites contrary to our mission is not permitted. We are here for a common purpose (see above) and that does not include promoting or linking to sites that ridicule Pink Truth or our mission, purpose, or people.
Please do not use this site to harvest email addresses and/or spam members with invitations and sales pitches. Pink Truth is not your personal email list, and anyone abusing private messaging or emailing of members may be sanctioned.
Pink Truth reserves the right to suspend user accounts when the site rules and guidelines are violated.
We reserve the right to revise these guidelines at any time.