I have always been a big Dave Ramsey fan, and believed that his financial advice for consumers is first rate. But today Dave Ramsey got it wrong in a big way. On his blog, he published an article about making Read more…
Today Mary Kay Cosmetics announced the closing of its operations in India. The decision appears to made on the basis of the regulatory environment and the poor performance of the market. In December, a ban was proposed on multi-level marketing Read more…
Ah yes, the Mary Kay Preferred Customer Program. A program meant to help you service your customers better, get them to order more, and help you develop a better relationship with them. The reality? Another way for Mary Kay to Read more…
This is a sponsored post, paid for by Hybrid Her. Written by Beth Smith, Co-Founder of Hybrid Her We know you aren’t looking to make money by recruiting other women and having someone else profit from your hard work! You Read more…
Today the August issue of Harper’s Magazine officially went on sale, and the cover story features the pink pyramid scheme known as Mary Kay. The internet has been abuzz with this story, The Pink Pyramid Scheme: How Mary Kay Cosmetics Read more…
From time to time, I like to take a look at who is actually selling Mary Kay products, and what kind of living they’re making from it. Pink Truthers are often told that it’s easy to sell MK products. The Read more…
Written by Raisinberry RECORD NEWS! 160,000 new consultants signed up for Mary Kay’s $50 starter kit in April! I have to admit, it is getting kind of funny now. Year after year, we here at Pink Truth give MK Corporation Read more…
Written by The Scribbler The director flashed me a grin, flicked open her datebook, and ran a plum-colored Lee Press-On Nail down one page. “One booking, one interview and…” She looked up triumphantly, “$200 in sales. After restocking my inventory, Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens Susan went to Mary Kay’s Career Conference, and she’s excited. Prosperity affirmations, clearing negative thoughts…
Have you wondered what those codes like A1 and I3 mean? How do they relate to your orders and your recruits? Here are the details. N0 – New Consultant, no order. N1 – New Consultant, no order, showcase shipped. N2 Read more…
https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/s/Q52DH7rYE5 And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a…
https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/1japl9m/the_missing_mary_kay_jacket_update_five_the/ The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…