Can you spot the lies in these Instagram stories by Mary Kay sales director Violette Tabor? I wish the “no hassling allowed” part was true. But it’s all hassling, all the time, because recruiting is the only way to move Read more…
Enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday free from Mary Kay. (Remember the days when you used to have take advantage of holidays with family and friends to try to push more products and/or beg women to sign up as consultants?) Whether you’re Read more…
Written by SuzyQ In April, Mary Kay gave women an opportunity to start up as a consultant for only $30. For your entrance fee, you get to call yourself a consultant and have a MK website. If you want to Read more…
Mary Kay runs promotion after promotion. Nearly all of them are designed to recruit more women, get larger inventory orders from them, and order more products yourself (reasons for you to order: almost on target and just need to order Read more…
Mallory James is a young sales director in Mary Kay. Her mom is NSD Cecilia James. Mallory and Cecilia apparently think that they “create jobs” with their Mary Kay scam: I’m sorry, but recruiting women to become distributors in Read more…
I’ve been researching and writing about MLM for over 20 years. Way back then, I was told that network marketing (another term for MLM) was “the future.” They claimed back then that business was changing, and this was where it Read more…
Yes, the Mary Kay ladies are guilty of repeatedly making false earnings claims. The 50% profit lie is probably the most common. And even Mary Kay Inc. is guilty of pushing this lie. (It’s not just those “independent consultants” who Read more…
If you have to keep saying that Mary Kay is a legitimate business, maybe something is wrong? Pink Truth readers know that the Mary Kay ladies have been exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to recruit and sell products. And here are Read more…
Mary Kay is hurting for new consultants. The ship has been sinking for some time now. But the COVID-19 pandemic has sent the company into a tailspin. Recruiting is down. Ordering is down. So what can they do when the Read more…
Another unsurprising instance of lying about profits by a Mary Kay sales director. This time we have Chelsea Claytor saying she “played in makeup and ate cookies and cupcakes” and “made $300 profit.” False earnings claims again. Chelsea uses Mary Read more… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a… The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…