Back in 2013, I criticized Dave Ramsey sharply for promoting the idea that multi-level marketing is a way for consumers to make a lot of money. This article was published on his site, and it said: Truthfully, if you have Read more…
I love it when Mary Kay national sales directors make up new words. Especially when they’re so fitting for a company that wants you to load up on product and get access to as much credit as you can so Read more…
A Mary Kay sales director surveyed sister directors to see how much they paid their office assistants. Check out the responses she got… $8.50 per hour is what I pay my assistant… she updates my unitnet site, mails “I” status Read more…
Mary Kay Cosmetics was hoping that ABC’s 20/20 would share their version of the story: that lots of products are sold, lots of money is made, and Mary Kay enriches women’s lives. Unfortunately for them, Rebecca Jarvis dug into the Read more…
Tune in to 20/20 on ABC on Friday October 2 for a story on the truth behind Mary Kay’s multi-level marketing “opportunity.” MLM is not a business opportunity, it’s a clever scam that has been made to look like a Read more…
The Direct Selling Association (DSA) promotes itself as a trade association that ensures ethics and integrity among the multi-level marketing companies that are members. The real truth about the DSA is in this clip of my appearance on HuffPost Live:
The concept of “playing ball” in Mary Kay is simple. It’s a fancy way to say that if you aren’t ordering, your director won’t help you. It doesn’t really matter if you have a ton of inventory that you’re working Read more…
Here’s a cool Mary Kay training piece that the sales directors pass around ad nauseum. Someone made up four stages for your Mary Kay career. Below are those stages, with my description of the reality of those stages in italics. Read more…
One sales director is suggesting that new Mary Kay consultants use this letter to get a bank loan. Yes, she’s suggesting that the consultant actually present this nonsense to a bank loan officer. I’m afraid to say that this isn’t Read more…
Mary Kay executives, directors, and national sales directors always focus on certain activity levels that they say help the consultant. When I say “activity levels,” I really mean buying levels. So for example, you’re encouraged to order enough to be Read more… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a… The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…