We haven’t done this for a while! Give me your best caption for this pic from Career Conference!
We haven’t done this in a long time! This is a photo from Career Conference 2024. It’s sales director Sherrie Purvis and a pair of giant pink panties. I presume this is a “put on your big girl panties” talk Read more…
Mary Kay national sales directors are in the image business! Time to caption this photo and tell us what image is shown with this outfit on MK NSD Kimberly Copeland:
Just a break from the action to do something fun and silly today…. One of our favorite NSDs, Dacia Wiegandt (former school teacher!) gives her thoughts on Selling Sunset. This deserves a caption, I think!
Why on earth do you suppose Mary Kay NSD Linda Toupin would block yours truly on Twitter??? And check out her retirement world tour!
The push for the Cadillacs is on. On May 13, Ali Zornes needed $52,402. Three weeks later, she needed $46,443. She’s got less than 4 weeks to go. What is your caption for this photo?
From Mary Kay’s Leadership Conference 2019 in San Diego. Give this your best caption!
After another long break from Caption This Photo, I’ve got one for you. Linda Toupin is calling her January jump start “Milk the Cows.” I think we should come up with a caption for the photo… in other words, a Read more…
It’s been a long time since we’ve captioned a photo! Mary Kay Ash’s former home is being torn down, and I though the picture of it meeting the wrecking ball might inspire some funny captions.
We haven’t done this in a while, but I found a photo that merited some ridicule, so here we go! In this picture we have MLM hopper Vincent Ortega Jr., who apparently has the microphone at a Mary Kay event Read more…
I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!
It’s not about negativity, it’s about telling the truth. She doesn’t understand many women on this site are former Sales…
Here, I keep this extra one in a jar by the door.