Written by Fortunate Son I spent ten years in the presence of all that nauseating pink optimism as the son of a former director. If you left Mary Kay, chances are that you are now seen as a quitter and Read more…
Written by Sad In Pink Guilt and shame are two of the most powerful manipulative tools in the tool box of MLMs and especially Mary Kay. It is one reason so many women stay in the company and find it Read more…
This story was submitted to us by “Suzanne” more than 10 years ago. I have no idea who she really was, and I wonder if she’s still in Mary Kay. I’m running the story again because I think it’s so Read more…
Written by Sad In Pink While there are some honest Mary Kay women out there in MLM land, there are many more who lie on a regular basis. From lies of omission, to little white lies, to the big whoppers Read more…
You’re familiar with the manipulation (lies, coercion, etc.) that goes on during the Mary Kay recruiting process. We know that they use manipulation to get women to purchase inventory packages. But did you know that the manipulation can happen even Read more…
Written by Parson’s Green Mary Kay’s CEO Ryan Rogers issued a challenge to the Mary Kay sales directors! See Ryan’s Video here! He would like them to sell 100,000 sets of the Mary Kay Skin Care Line between January 1st Read more…
Written by Parsons Green At this year’s Leadership Conference for Mary Kay Sales Directors, several female employees of Mary Kay Corporate wore PANTS during their presentations. The outcry from the sales force was great enough that Ryan Rogers posted this Read more…
Written by Lynn I am sick and tired of all the fake I have seen in Mary Kay. I’ve watched my director go from someone who seemed caring and thoughtful to pushy and rude to anyone who isn’t on board Read more…
Written by Sad In Pink Many who read Pink Truth are lurkers or naysayers. They believe that MLMs really do work and that most of the people writing and commenting here are losers or whiners who just didn’t work hard Read more…
Written by Raisinberry For the longest time I anguished over how I ever got in this Mary Kay mess. I finally got crystal clear clarity concerning one of the most evil and deceptive “attractions” that Mary Kay Cosmetics uses to Read more…
Love the snark! I like this guy, too!
"deserve level" That one concept itself is anti-Christian.
Exactly! But MKC doesn’t care because know their “sales” come from consultant orders. So recruit, recruit, recruit.
My favorite: "Come talk to me after you raise your “understandability level” a few more points, mmmkay?" I love it!!!
Emotions are part of being a human being, and they’re part of our decision making process. This is basic psychology…