Written by Raisinberry There appears to be a common denominator, in my opinion, with women who suffer the most from their Mary Kay career. I am talking about those who fell for it hard. I think I might be on Read more…
Written by Stephanie I am a former Mary Kay sales director. If I knew then what I know now I would have never became a sales director… especially not doing it the way I was taught to do it. Being Read more…
Written by WorkedPink She came into town, tall and beautiful with a look, demeanor, and “way” that many of us could just hope to ever possess. She was a Mary Kay Consultant, a business owner. Her makeup was always flawless, Read more…
We’ve heard these things before. A million and one ways to justify recruiting another Mary Kay consultant’s customer. Is it technically stealing? Probably not. After all, the NSDs will teach you how to bend the rules far enough that you Read more…
I recently heard this statement on a television talk show: “One obstacle to recovery is hope.” They went on to discuss how hope plays a part in people recovering from tragedies or moving forward in their lives. In the real Read more…
Written by Raisinberry A while back I got to wondering about all the women who are aware of Pink Truth, perhaps have read it from time to time, and still remain in Mary Kay, under some of the most damning Read more…
Written by Robin After spending a few years in Mary Kay, I quit. After $41,000 invested in this “business” and seeing what I saw, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was tired of all the deception. These women don’t Read more…
I thought it would be fun to tell you about some of my favorite lies told in Mary Kay. Lies? Lies, you say? But you thought Mary Kay was a “Christian” company! Wrong! It’s a company that exploits Christianity for Read more…
In Mary Kay, there is a script for everything. If you invite someone to a success meeting or guest event, you better be ready to use a script. These events are held because they increase the recruiting odds dramatically. The Read more…
Don’t you love to hear about the “Mary Kay Way” and the uplifting, positive women in Mary Kay Cosmetics? You see someone like Chelsea Adkins (Claytor) being crowned queen of something-or-another and you want to be like her. No. You. Read more…
Lol a pawnshop would not buy those
Yeah and pressing charges is criminal like you have to go to the district attorney for that right?
She said someone as in a MK girl turned in the jacket so no one took it. The policy is…
Oh god no one took or stole her jacket. They turned it in to last and found. The accolades MK…
Ok, I did not read this article yet but I have to say this: those are the most ugliest overpriced…