Written by Raisinberry One of the reasons you are kicking yourself for joining Mary Kay is that you knew it was suspicious from the beginning. You had some questions and you felt it in your gut, but you swept that Read more…
Written by Marcy After my stint in Mary Kay and two other MLMs, I have come to the conclusion that many people stay because of two factors: peer pressure and guilt. We come into this new “business opportunity” all excited Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Circular reasoning, faulty logic, and subtle bullying straight from the top of the food chain, friends. Pay special attention to the last line of this NSD’s script – its guidance is designed to help recruiters get Read more…
Why do Mary Kay sales directors push so hard for consultants to be “star consultants”???? It’s not because it helps the consultants. A star consultant is simply someone who has ordered $1,800 wholesale or more during a quarter. In real Read more…
Over the last two years, we have watched Kelly Brock go from “top director” status in Mary Kay, to shunned former director, to business coach, and now to life coach. Every step of the way, she bragged about how much Read more…
I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I think of the people MLM recruiters set their sights on, I think of them as “suckers.” Defined as…. a gullible or easily deceived person. Let’s be honest: they’re not looking for Read more…
Chelsea Claytor Adkins wants to be a “million dollar director,” and she will exploit you to get there. A Mary Kay sales director gets to “million” through lots of recruiting and getting women to order inventory packages (we call that Read more…
Every year, June is the biggest month for Mary Kay Inc. The most orders are placed as everyone is trying to finish directorship, cars, and unit clubs. Remember: This has nothing to do with products sold. You will see directors Read more…
I recently had the opportunity to visit Karl Wiegandt’s “The Berry Farms.” Karl (who call’s himself KO) is the husband of Mary Kay nsd Dacia Wiegandt (wannabe Instagram influencer dacialea), who also tried branding herself as Farmer’s Wife & Heels. Read more…
Where is the proof that women aren’t selling the Mary Kay products they order? Or that NSDs cheat to meet the requirements to qualify? Would you believe it if a Mary Kay NSD told you herself? Nine years ago, NSD Read more…
She said someone as in a MK girl turned in the jacket so no one took it. The policy is…
Oh god no one took or stole her jacket. They turned it in to last and found. The accolades MK…
Ok, I did not read this article yet but I have to say this: those are the most ugliest overpriced…
I could hang around for months with King Charles, Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Princess…
Entitlement, pure and simple.