For anyone who does not recognize the jargon of a Mary Kay consultant here is a breakdown. Think outside the box means let your director think for you and tell you what to do. (Unless you fail, then you should Read more…
UPDATE: As of 8/19/21, Laura Beitler has left Mary Kay to become the Chief Global Sales Officer (CGSO) at Rodan + Fields. Remember when Laura Beitler was the head of Mary Kay’s legal function and was responsible for sending Dallas Read more…
To hear former Mary Kay sales director Kelly Brock tell it, MK almost ruined her life and her marriage. Which is why I was surprised to see her wearing a MK bumblebee ring in a recent Instagram story. Sure, she Read more…
Dacia and Karl Wiegandt sure have that Mary Kay go-give spirit, don’t they? Today’s article is a bit of juicy gossip about “The Berry Farm” in Miami, run by Karl Wiegandt, husband of Mary Kay NSD Dacia Wiegandt. The story Read more…
Written by SuzyQ Well, well, well, here we are. The CoronaVirus is here and states and cities are trying to deal with the impact of sick and dying people. And Mary Kay is asking women to start an in home Read more…
In the last year or so, we have seen a number of “top directors” in Mary Kay quit the company. Whether it was by choice (voluntarily quitting) or by force (getting kicked out by MK), the common denominator seems to Read more…
Mary Kay vultures continue to exploit the panic over the Coronavirus. Sure, they’re saying they’re just helping people, and they also have a business to run and are lucky to be able to do so from home. This is opportunism Read more…
Below is a little piece entitled “Maybe She Needs Me.” Here’s big news: No one needs Mary Kay. They don’t need a consultant’s fake (warm chattering) compliment. They don’t need Mary Kay’s average (or below) products… they’ve got Walgreen’s. They Read more…
Written by The Scribbler When your sales director or NSD “believe” (or in Mary Kay-speak, “bee-lieve”) in you, it is easier to get you to order products you don’t need. The “business” of MK is based heavily on emotional manipulation. Read more…
Mary Kay is a bunch of mean girls. They often talk about the “big girls club” (directors and above), and once you get there, they have even more little groups based on number of offspring or unit production. Last year Read more…
Lol a pawnshop would not buy those
Yeah and pressing charges is criminal like you have to go to the district attorney for that right?
She said someone as in a MK girl turned in the jacket so no one took it. The policy is…
Oh god no one took or stole her jacket. They turned it in to last and found. The accolades MK…
Ok, I did not read this article yet but I have to say this: those are the most ugliest overpriced…