Written by Raisinberry Nobody is gloating. Not one of us. Most of the members of Pink Truth have depinked enough to realize that what happened to Allison could just have easily happened to them. Allison’s Million Dollar Dream Home, bought Read more…
Here’s an attempt to make it all about the Mary Kay consultant, when the truth is that it’s really all about the director getting someone to re-up and add more to wholesale production. Manipulation at its finest… I’ve been told Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens Someone commented, “I know we talk about brain washing here, and cult dynamics, but honestly I still haven’t read a good reason why this worked on me and how it still works on women who normally Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Never thought you would ever see that headline, did you? Well don’t get too excited. It’s a prophecy of sorts. It will come about as soon as the pro-Mary Kay lurkers reading here on Pink Truth realize Read more…
Inevitably, at every Mary Kay event, you will be told that things have never been better for the company. The company has never been stronger! This is the greatest [insert event name] ever! How exciting to be a part of Read more…
Written by The Scribbler My frustrated toddler hurled her juice cup across the room while I made another toy-recovery loop around the house. Scientists haven’t yet figured out the basics of teleportation, but it’s only because they haven’t gone to Read more…
A submission from a reader of Pink Truth: Last week I find out from a mutual friend of a co-workers that it is my co-worker’s birthday. The mutual friend asked if I would make sure the office did something nice Read more…
Another piece written by a Mary Kay sales director promotes the Mary Kay “opportunity” to be the real secret to financial security, now and in the future. She doesn’t come right out and say it, but you know by the Read more…
Written by Raisinberry If truth is truth, why are there sides to the Mary Kay issue? If you go to a pro-Mary Kay site, and read a bit, you find participants who are ticked off at Pink Truth for what Read more…
I'm thinking the jacket could be reproduced/found at Goodwill/eBay - for a lot less than the $2500. So, I guess…
If the pins have been found, case closed! She can buy another director jacket.
Latest update….not sure on the jacket, but the pins have been found in a pawn shop and a detective in…
So, Case, what kind of income producing activities have you been up to in between long videos blaming everyone else…
Mary Kay Ash would be so proud...for seeing the power of these trinkets on full display in Casie. Casie has…