If I had to boil down my beef with Mary Kay Cosmetics into one word, it would be LIES. I can’t stand all the lies that consultants and directors tell. Corporate actively encourages telling the lies and blatantly misleading others, Read more…
Mary Kay ladies never pass up an opportunity to make up fake statistics. This one came from a Facebook thread on which the original poster was asking for strategies to do an “individual close” with each person who attends a Read more…
Have you heard your Mary Kay upline say “No doesn’t mean no. It just means I need more information.”??? I always hated this concept in MK. No DOES mean no. It’s none of your business why, she said no. And Read more…
Written by Raisinberry We here at Pink Truth are still human. We didn’t de-fog out of Mary Kay and suddenly become vicious negative sub-human life forms, contrary to the Pink spin about this website. It’s no wonder that NSDs really Read more…
This is an old Facebook post from a private Mary Kay group called “Let’s Talk Pink.” But I wanted to post it because it’s so instructive about what it’s like to be in the Pink Fog. We’ve been at it Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Yesterday I talked about the various slogans and one-liners that Mary Kay directors and NSDs use to get consultants to stop thinking for themselves. Today we look at the purpose behind using slogans. Mary Kay corporate has Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Before Mary Kay I worked in human resources and taught supervision and organizational development with a large international firm. Part of my acquisition of information required that I attend some of the seminars of the major players Read more…
Why doesn’t Mary Kay just admit that they’re multi-level marketing? They continue this “dual marketing” charade as if the world at large doesn’t know that they are MLM and any other term is just meant to distract and confuse. No Read more…
Mary Kay Cosmetics was founded on our belief in the Golden Rule. We strive to provide opportunities for women to achieve their maximum potential. And we tell all our consultants and directors that God and their families come before our Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Heartbreak is the only word that comes to mind, as we who have de-pinked, watch the parade of our friends going over the cliff, pursuing the Mary Kay “dream.” For a long time, I actively cared about Read more…
At least she's being a little bit honest here, a rarity with Mary Kay or anyone who claims to be…
"free car" I just threw up in my mouth. Graphic, but true. Nothing free about forgoing commission to "pay" for…
What I've heard is all her directors are pissed in private, but bubbly pink and positive in public.
I always thought that God was too busy deciding football game outcomes to care about MaryKay. Guess I was wrong...
"she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay." Maybe that's why MK featured her in Applause: stroke her ego, hold her…