Written by DupedByPinkFriend If you are here at Pink Truth today for the first time, and you are reading this because you want to know all the facts before you sign up, you are already ahead of the game! You Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Well I think I may have figured out why many of us lingered too long at the Mary Kay dance before coming to our senses. For well over a year after I left Mary Kay, I couldn’t Read more…
Written by Cassie Many folks visit Pink Truth and are surprised or appalled at the personal accounts of women who were manipulated by their Mary Kay sales directors and National Sales Directors. They are so excited about their new businesses, Read more…
Written by PinkPeace I was thinking about the subtle form of bullying that goes on in Mary Kay. You may be thinking that bullying is only for schoolchildren, and that adults outgrow it. Certainly it could never happen in a Read more…
The debate rages on between the “pro” and “anti” sides of the debate about Mary Kay Cosmetics. On one side, we have women who claim Mary Kay has a wonderful opportunity that has enriched many women. Everything in Mary Kay Read more…
Written by SuzyQ We have our own vocabulary in Mary Kay. Along with the overused words like awesome and great and beelieve, we find ourselves ON TARGET for any number of things. The whole concept of being on target is Read more…
Written by MaryKayExploitsWomen “Fake it Till You Make It” is the mantra that Mary Kay directors foist upon their consultants, and especially upon their women in Direcor-In-Qualification (DIQ). Why do they insist that you “fake it till you make it”? Read more…
Written by CoralRose At first I was shocked by what I read on Pink Truth. How can Mary Kay be a scam?! I mean, of course making money as a consultant was harder and took more time than I expected, Read more…
Written by Raisinberry It’s time to share one of the most self serving and diabolical aspects of National Sales Directorship in Mary Kay Cosmetics. While you may have thought you had heard it all, you have not. There’s more. To Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose I spent a long time, both during and after my Mary Kay career, being angry with my director. You see, I was a high driver, high achieving, high D (for those who know the DISC behavior Read more…
At least she's being a little bit honest here, a rarity with Mary Kay or anyone who claims to be…
"free car" I just threw up in my mouth. Graphic, but true. Nothing free about forgoing commission to "pay" for…
What I've heard is all her directors are pissed in private, but bubbly pink and positive in public.
I always thought that God was too busy deciding football game outcomes to care about MaryKay. Guess I was wrong...
"she’s at her LOWEST in Mary Kay." Maybe that's why MK featured her in Applause: stroke her ego, hold her…