Written by Parsons Green Chelsea Adkins has a big goal this seminar year! She wants to be a million dollar director. AGAIN. In Mary Kay math, this doesn’t mean her team has sold a million dollars, even though that’s what Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Mya Hull is a sales director who was featured in a profile piece in this month’s Applause magazine! The article doesn’t give specifics as to what cars she’s earned or the level of success she’s achieved, Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose One of the perennial “benefits” that Mary Kay recruiters tout for starting your own MK business is tax advantages. As a home-based business, there are oodles of expenses you can write off, lowering your total reported Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Every week in the Facebook groups, it’s the same old story. A consultant can’t find customers. If you can’t find customers, you can’t sell product. Here’s a recent example of the valuable advice the Mary Kay Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Former sales director Lacey Bradford has been bragging for years about her Mary Kay success! That’s the image in public most of the time. (But behind the scenes it’s a different story when she’s being honest Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Lauren Wagner is trying for DIQ again! This will be her sixth time in five years. This is what it was like for Lauren trying to finish DIQ four years ago. In this video, Lauren’s director, Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Cleta Colson Eyre is celebrating a huge milestone in Mary Kay: 40 years with the company. FORTY. That’s four decades of failure. You see, “Cleta’s Cheetahs” have been promising to become a national area for years Read more…
This was left as a comment on an old thread. If you read carefully, this woman was in Mary Kay at least 3 different times, maybe 4. It’s interesting that she notes mostly negative things about the company, but kept Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Chelsea Adkins, NSD never to be, has publicly claimed that she will be a Million Dollar Sales Director this seminar year. She found this old million dollar pin in her cluttered home office and then offered Read more…
Written by Parsons Green Mary Kay consultants are taught by their directors that products fly off the shelf. However, how do you find customers to sell to? Sharilyn Johnson asked in a consultants group for tips on how to find Read more…
Love the snark! I like this guy, too!
"deserve level" That one concept itself is anti-Christian.
Exactly! But MKC doesn’t care because know their “sales” come from consultant orders. So recruit, recruit, recruit.
My favorite: "Come talk to me after you raise your “understandability level” a few more points, mmmkay?" I love it!!!
Emotions are part of being a human being, and they’re part of our decision making process. This is basic psychology…