It is common for multi-level marketing companies to publicize that “direct selling” (the code name for multi-level marketing or legalized pyramid schemes) picks up during a recession. The whole industry is portrayed a massive opportunity for consumers to make money Read more…
Man on Top is a documentary about multi-level markeing (MLM). It being directed and produced by Paul Mathieu. The film tells the story of MLM and how it has cheated consumers out of billions of dollars with its fake business Read more…
Ick. Another propaganda piece to assure Mary Kay consultants that if they just pray enough and want it enough, they can be successful in Mary Kay. If they are not successful, they must not have had a high enough “deserve Read more…
Director in Qualification! DIQ! The one big hurdle any Mary Kay wanna be “big girl” has to clear. In order to become a sales director, the consultant must complete DIQ. So today, we are going to receive a lesson from Read more…
I have always been a big Dave Ramsey fan, and believed that his financial advice for consumers is first rate. But today Dave Ramsey got it wrong in a big way. On his blog, he published an article about making Read more…
For years, Caterina Harris has been touted as Mary Kay royalty. The best of the best. At the very TOP of the company. Someone who is an example for all women who want to move up in Mary Kay. Part Read more…
Written by The Scribbler After Virgina Sole-Smith’s insightful article, “The Pink Pyramid Scheme: How Mary Kay Cosmetics Preys on Desperate Housewives” was published in Harper’s, it didn’t take long for Mary Kay supporters to ride in and angrily denounce the Read more…
Every so often we like to take a look at the money women are making (or not) in Mary Kay. Today we are looking at national sales director Debi Moore. According to her unitnet website, she has 37 directors in Read more…
This story offers the point of view of a Mary Kay husband. While some may say that this schedule is temporary and will end once the wife is done with her Director In Qualification period, that is false. Sales directors Read more…
Have you ever wondered what life is like at the top of Mary Kay? Look no further than the standout beauty consultant Allison LaMarr, who quickly rose to fame within Mary Kay, and was put on a pedestal by corporate Read more…
If nobody wants the product, then nobody wants the product. If people like the product and think it is over…
"Their goal is to prevent you from finding us, believing us, because the way things are currently done in Mary…
I think more and more women are both coming out of the pink fog and quitting or not joining at…
Well said, Raisinberry! I hope many more “stumble” upon Pink Truth.
One of the commenters mentioned that she’s been in Mary Kay for 53 years!