An employee of Mary Kay Inc. just tipped me off that the company is discontinuing 4 of the 5 distribution centers that were servicing the sales force. All customer service employees other than those at the Dallas facility have been Read more…
One of the “selling points” used to lure recruits into Mary Kay is the promise of being able to get 90% of your money back on your inventory. Indeed, a fan of Mary Kay touted this “benefit” to me: A Read more…
At first glance, you may be impressed to hear Chelsea Claytor say that she has sold $200,000 of Mary Kay products in 5 years. Wow! That’s a ton of makeup. But then you dig into the claim, and realize what Read more…
This month has been ANOTHER opportunity for sales directors to earn “double credit” on all orders placed by their units. What is double credit, you say? It’s a little trick that fraudulently inflates the amount of “retail sales” an individual Read more…
One of the biggest challenges in Mary Kay (or any MLM, for that matter) is getting new people interesting in holding parties. Where do you find these women? You can only hang out in Starbucks or the aisles at Target Read more…
Here’s another one of those Mary Kay “training” items that is really meant to make you feel like you just didn’t work hard enough. Who couldn’t five extra hours a week to do something important like Mary Kay??? This piece Read more…
A high level Mary Kay sales director did training piece called The Art of Networking. And what fun to look at her suggestions here. I object to many of the sales and recruiting techniques taught to Mary Kay consultants because Read more…
Seminar is the time when we celebrate the directors who made “Unit Clubs.” These are levels of recognition beginning at $300,000, with $1 million being the huge milestone that is celebrated. Mary Kay officially calls the dollar figures “estimated retail Read more…
Where do I begin with this email to one Mary Kay national area? I believe that she may have had 12 women there. (Rare, but possible) I believe she may have sold $500. ($41 a person is not unheard of.) Read more…
Well what a silly question! If you’ve just joined Mary Kay, of course you should order inventory. In case you didn’t know, your recruiter doesn’t make any money unless you order inventory! You don’t actually need to sell anything. If Read more…
"In short, no one wants to buy Mary Kay, even fewer people want to hold a party or get together…
Still much better than your average MKBot.
According to FB posts I’ve seen, “lots of Limited Edition products will be out in February”, and MK is launching…
If there is one thing I’ve learned from this website, it’s that Mary Kay critics are REALLY BAD at spelling…
Yeah, begging really isn't a good look.