The new Mary Kay foundations are another one in a long line of product changes. Sure, the products need to stay updated. I won’t suggest MK should never change products. But every time they make a change, consultants are left Read more…
Who says the Mary Kay ladies don’t give you any useful training? NSD Kristin Sharpe did this great piece on FaceBook about using raffle tickets at your Mary Kay parties. Okay, it’s not really all that great. You know why Read more…
This seems to occur at least yearly in Mary Kay…. double credit. Whatever amount you (or your team/unit) order, the wholesale value of it is doubled for “contest credit.” There will be a big push from directors this month to Read more…
Written by CoralRose I wanted to share an email that was sent to me by my former director at the end of June (the end of the seminar year). It’s been over a year since I ordered MK so I’m Read more…
Everything in Mary Kay is centered around a contest. There is so little profit (usually none!) to be made, that you have to get consultants ordering products somehow. Who is going to keep selling products at no profit? But if Read more…
Written by BestDecision Mary Kay is very clear to sales directors: Get the new recruit to order inventory as soon as possible. The longer she waits, the lower the order. But what do you do when a major product change Read more…
How often does Mary Kay change products? Not often, according to the company! They say that core products are updated every 3 to 5 years, and they tell consultants 3 to 6 months ahead of time. From Mary Kay’s online Read more…
We’ve heard it before! You don’t have to recruit in Mary Kay. You can make a good income simply from selling the products. Recently we looked at a Cadillac unit that was failing miserably at selling enough products make a Read more…
Last month we talked about whether you could make a living selling Mary Kay products. Just selling skin care and cosmetics, not recruiting. If you sold $1,000 per week every week, you’d be lucky to profit $14,500 per year after Read more…
I love the idea of being debt free. I even love the idea of using Mary Kay Cosmetics to become debt free. The problem is, the second idea is nothing but a pipe dream for virtually all the women who Read more…
The taboo on section 2 was that no one made any money on commissions on it. I loved the little…
"In short, no one wants to buy Mary Kay, even fewer people want to hold a party or get together…
Still much better than your average MKBot.
According to FB posts I’ve seen, “lots of Limited Edition products will be out in February”, and MK is launching…
If there is one thing I’ve learned from this website, it’s that Mary Kay critics are REALLY BAD at spelling…