A tactic to get women to your Mary Kay website, but with inflated, unrealistic figures presented. Okay, everybody! This is what National Sales Director/Las Vegas, Rebecca Evans, gave the Directors yesterday at their workshop. Let me repeat her thoughts on Read more…
Written by So Lost In Wisconsin I am writing to all of you customers out there. Hopefully, before your next “skin care class” you will take a moment to read what I will do during the close of the class Read more…
Here’s an excellent example of a sales director pushing ordering of products. Now of course she’s mentioning the “profits,” but the truth is that she doesn’t really care if you actually sell it or not. Order, whether you can afford Read more…
Written by So Lost In Wisconsin So you sat through the class. You have all the makeup on. You love it all, because your hostess and instructor have romanced the product, and now you simply can’t live without it. How Read more…
This little ditty comes from a site called “Tools You Can Use.” Basically, it is just another site that sells junk to Mary Kay consultants who don’t need it and can’t afford it. So what is “smart ordering” in Mary Read more…
Here’s a script that one of our readers says Mary Kay nsd Allison LaMarr uses when pushing the big Mary Kay inventories. That’s right ladies! Beg, borrow or steal to get the money for inventory. It doesn’t matter how you Read more…
Written by MommyMindi Problems recovering your sales tax from Mary Kay? Your dog may soon become your newest “customer.” If there is one thing that I learned during my stint with Mary Kay, it’s this: your dog will be one Read more…
Written by MommyMindi Why you should handle your own sales tax instead of letting Mary Kay do it for you… The sheer stupidity of some Kaybots never ceases to amaze me. Getting a large tax refund is never a good Read more…
If you thought $3,600 wholesale was a lot of inventory in Mary Kay, wait until you see this! For many years, Mary Kay Cosmetics had inventory “levels” or packages that started at $600 wholesale and went up to $3,600 wholesale. Read more…
Helping husbands understand why ordering of Mary Kay products (rather than selling) is so important. This is something that was posted by Dan Allison, sales director Lisa Allison’s husband back in 2004 on an unpopular and little-visited site called mkhusbands.com. Read more…
"Reading that site totally ruined my day and now looking back, I now realize it ruined more than just that…
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…
You Stole My Dream: I hadd a dream that I could run fast enough to hop over the Grand Canyon,…