If you thought $3,600 wholesale was a lot of inventory in Mary Kay, wait until you see this! For many years, Mary Kay Cosmetics had inventory “levels” or packages that started at $600 wholesale and went up to $3,600 wholesale. Read more…
Helping husbands understand why ordering of Mary Kay products (rather than selling) is so important. This is something that was posted by Dan Allison, sales director Lisa Allison’s husband back in 2004 on an unpopular and little-visited site called mkhusbands.com. Read more…
The May 2007 issue of Mary Kay’s Applause Magazine has an interesting piece called “Inventory Answers: Coaching Your New Team Members to Success.” And they have the audacity to claim that Mary Kay has “never been about ordering.” But everything Read more…
In January 2007, Mary Kay Cosmetics launched a web initiative to help counteract the effect of Pink Truth’s wide dissemination of information. Mary Kay consultants got news of Mary Kay Inc.’s latest attempt to “deal” with the information being put Read more…
That's one weird down-vote!
Why yes, yes we can. https://lazygardens.blogspot.com/2015/04/mary-kay-ash-and-missing-marriages.html?m=1
I certainly will! Her and Megan Wilkes Coleman both!!!M
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.