The lies Mary Kay consultants and directors tell about how “easy” it is to earn a car in Mary Kay and how little time it takes! This is a training document which completely downplays the amount of time and effort Read more…
I was amused by the memory of this post from 3 years ago. Chelsea Adkins telling us about how Mary Kay is “not about the stupid pink car.” Oh, Chelsea and her goals. She was going to be an NSD Read more…
Mary Kay plants fluff pieces with the media to hype the company. Mary Kay’s public relations department sends out press releases and contacts reporters in hopes of getting television and print media coverage. This, of course, fuels the constant push Read more…
Last month at the “9 Losers on a Beach” event hosted by nsd Jamie Taylor, they created a whole bunch of social media content meant to fire up the downline. Our friend Chelsea Adkins (well, legally Chelsea Claytor, since she’s Read more…
Chelsea Claytor (Adkins) is excited because she picked up an official Mary Kay pink Cadillac. Her first Cadillac was one she leased on her own, since she didn’t meet the driving record requirements to drive one leased by Mary Kay. Read more…
How sad is it when one of the “best days of your life” is one that is associated with materialism and opportunism? That’s exactly what the Mary Kay Pink Cadillac represents. It represents 300 or 400 women who have been Read more…
Mary Kay has a new disclaimer in Applause magazine. You know… the publication MK has been doing for decades that has all the numbers for the NSDs and the top earning directors. Except they switched it up earlier this year. Read more…
In Brazil, women are earning the use of pink Range Rovers from Mary Kay. I don’t have details on their car program, but it looks to me like this is the equivalent of the pink Cadillac in the United States. Read more…
Mary Kay is running a promotion with new car options for sales directors. What do you think about offering a Camaro and a Colorado?
The iconic pink Cadillac is seen as the pinnacle of success in Mary Kay. Ask the average consumer, and they will tell you that someone who drives a pink Cadillac is making lots of money. But the truth is that Read more…
*60 something years... and it's only worked for a fraction of a percent of those women.
Ah, the shrill sounds of blaming the victim, on a Friday morning: "either didn’t try hard enough or you didn’t…
Seriously. You women who have felt this way maybe Mary Kay wasn’t for you. If Mary Kay isn't for everyone,…
"… the products sell themselves. You don’t have to be a director to make money!!!!!" PTC, you are you going…
You sweet summer child... if I had to guess, you are a newbie who doesn't know or understand how the…