Last week Mary Kay threatened to sue Jennifer Bickel Cook for writing a tell-all book about her time working for Mary Kay Ash and the Mary Kay Museum and Mary Kay Foundation. They made good on the threat on Friday. Read more…
Mary Kay Inc. is nothing if not petty and controlling. And they’re awfully litigious. Remember all the lawsuits against women who were trying to sell the thousands of dollars of products they purchased from MK? It didn’t matter to MK Read more…
This article was submitted by “Tiffany” who wanted to share her experience as someone who was never in Mary Kay but began buying products from consultants and reselling it on eBay and Amazon. After helping many consultants who had products Read more…
Lately multi-level marketing company LuLaRoe, purveyor of odd leggings, has been the proud recipient of two class action lawsuits.The first LuLaRoe class action suit was filed on October 13 in federal court in California, and the lead plaintiffs are Stella Read more…
This week Amy Dunlap filed an amended answer in the lawsuit Mary Kay Inc. has filed against her for alleged violations of her national sales director agreement. The most notable part of the answer and counterclaims is the portion in Read more…
Nearly a year ago, Mary Kay Cosmetics sued Allison LaMarr, a former national sales director who was accused of violating her contract with the company. Mary Kay Inc. is going after Allison LaMarr for selling products in violation of her Read more…
For a company that supposedly loves its beauty consultants, Mary Kay Cosmetics sure is in the business of suing sales force members. Recently I received a tip that Mary Kay Inc. sued Allison LaMarr and her company Driven, Inc. I Read more…
Recently I received a tip that Mary Kay Inc. had sued Allison LaMarr and her company Driven, Inc. I promptly went to research the Dallas court records, and found not only the suit against Allison, but also a whole slew Read more…
Yesterday we discussed the lawsuit between Mary Kay Cosmetics and former National Sales Director Amy Dunlap. Mary Kay is suing Amy for using information on MK consultants to recruit to Isagenix. Amy is counterclaiming, saying that MK lies to women Read more…
Late last year, Mary Kay Cosmetics sued former National Sales Director Amy Dunlap. Amy left Mary Kay to join Isagenix with her husband Shane. You may remember that Isagenix is the company for former Mary Kay hotshots to go to, Read more…
Love the snark! I like this guy, too!
"deserve level" That one concept itself is anti-Christian.
Exactly! But MKC doesn’t care because know their “sales” come from consultant orders. So recruit, recruit, recruit.
My favorite: "Come talk to me after you raise your “understandability level” a few more points, mmmkay?" I love it!!!
Emotions are part of being a human being, and they’re part of our decision making process. This is basic psychology…