Mary Kay’s annual seminar in Dallas, Texas will again be virtual in 2021. Last year COVID-19 forced a virtual seminar, and this year we will have a repeat. The cost is $50 per person, with a $5 discount if you Read more…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If Mary Kay is such a wonderful opportunity for women, why do you have to lie about it? The recruiting process is full of lies, half-truths, and omissions. Let’s face it, Read more…
Mary Kay’s “virtual seminar” 2020 kicks off on Thursday. It’s disappointing for the Kaybots to NOT have the in-person seminar. This is the time when the new sales director suits are trotted out. The suit serves a couple of purposes. Read more…
Our friend BestDecision found this flier for the prizes being handed out at Seminar 2020. Well, they really aren’t being handed out. Since Virtual Seminar 2020 is what’s happening, Mary Kay has to ship prizes to consultants. But if you Read more…
As the Mary Kay seminar year comes to a close, let’s talk about the “virtual” seminar that is planned for August. Sorry to all the women who ordered and ordered and ordered to get to certain levels. No walking across Read more…
The official word came out this morning that Mary Kay Seminar 2020 in Dallas is being canceled. They’re going to do a “virtual seminar” instead. This news won’t come as a shock to anyone. So many events are being canceled Read more…
It’s been years since we done a post featuring some of the most tragic fashions from Mary Kay’s Seminar. (Mostly because I just don’t have the time to find the pictures, take screenshots, upload, etc.) But I’ve got a few Read more…
Words escape me, so I’m going to let you caption this!
UPDATE: 2019 attendance figures were finally reported publicly at 20,000. Things are moving in the right direction! Source linked below. I have enjoyed tracking Mary Kay’s seminar attendance numbers over the years. It’s curious to me that for the last Read more…
While I don’t have time to post a whole lineup of the “best” fashions from Mary Kay’s seminar in Dallas, TX, BestDecision was kind enough to send me two gems. Here are Dacia Wiegandt and Gloria Mayfield Banks. (If Read more…
I truly believe that absolutely NO ONE finishes DIQ without cheating. There is NOT ONE person who finished DIQ with…
I feel stressed for her. When my director recruited me, way back when (May 2003), she was pregnant with her…
“Solicitation for pity purchases to provide financial support for your family.” Yes, she seems to “solicit help” rather than actually…
... women I can "use" ... that sums it up right there. I am sure I held the record for…
At what point do you realize all I'm doing is giving Mary Kay my money? Over and over and over…