Written by SuzyQ A glimpse into one (of many) unglamorous reality of Mary Kay Seminar. Arena seating versus Hall A? The goal of course is Arena Seating (No Hall A!!!) It is not unusual to chant at meetings No Hall Read more…
National sales director Lisa Madson says you CAN’T FAIL at Mary Kay. Apparently, all you have to do is attend seminar and you are guaranteed success. Sounds like false advertising to me! Here’s what Lisa had on her website about Read more…
Every year at Mary Kay’s annual seminar in Dallas, TX, debuting sales directors get a chance to be on stage together. We’ve compared 2006 and 2007 directors on stage at seminar, and notice a significant drop in 2007 in each Read more…
How can someone honestly believe that God brought her more Mary Kay wholesale orders on the last day of the month? Sales director Auri Hatheway was the queen of Emerald seminar in 2006. She gave a speech full of religious Read more…
This item has been attributed to Sean Key, one of the Vice Presidents at Mary Kay Inc. Enjoy all the rah-rah and hype surrounding Seminar! Do you notice any subtle pressure to order? And how many standard MK “lines” can Read more…
I truly believe that absolutely NO ONE finishes DIQ without cheating. There is NOT ONE person who finished DIQ with…
I feel stressed for her. When my director recruited me, way back when (May 2003), she was pregnant with her…
“Solicitation for pity purchases to provide financial support for your family.” Yes, she seems to “solicit help” rather than actually…
... women I can "use" ... that sums it up right there. I am sure I held the record for…
At what point do you realize all I'm doing is giving Mary Kay my money? Over and over and over…