There's a new multi-level marketing company on the scene, with a not-so-new concept. The idea is to capitalize on an increased instance of online shopping and create a great big network of distributors who each receive a cut of the Read more…
Predators don't just exist in Mary Kay. The Weekenders women who find themselves without a downline since the company has closed its doors are looking to get more money out of those downlines. What better way than to re-recruit Read more…
Below is the "career path" and the commission levels at Cookie Lee Fine Jewelry as of 2007. (Click on the picture to see it full size.)
Do you think your multi-level marketing company makes it hard for participants to earn a living? Well you haven’t seen Pre-Paid Legal! It’s next to impossible for an associate to earn a real living selling their “plans” to unsuspecting customers. Read more…
Primerica Financial Services has become known for offering people “job interviews,” when they are really just having multi-level marketing recruiting meetings. Here’s one victim’s experience of being asked to show up for a “job interview” that was really a recruiting Read more…
Here are some comments on the “con” side of the Primerica debate. The most common complaints include reps who aren’t knowledgeable, overpriced products, and low commissions for the actual seller. From Yahoo Answers: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Business Opportunity Rule (“Rule”) pursues the laudable goal of preventing fraud in the work-at-home, pyramid and vending machine marketplaces. But the Rule does not narrowly define and prohibit the specific practices in which the Commission Read more…
One common complaint I’ve seen about Primerica Financial Services is the low level of commissions received from the sale of the company’s financial products and services. Essentially, there are many levels in the pyramid that are paid from the sale Read more…
With a couple of threads about Primerica over on the Pink Truth Discussion board, the Primerica defenders have been sending me emails to sing the company’s praises. So here’s a little about the company and its multi-level marketing structure.
Multi-level marketing expert Robert FitzPatrick analyzes the commission payouts to Arbonne representatives.
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!
And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!