One of our members posted on the discussion board some marketing materials from Silpada Designs, a multi-level marketing company selling jewelry. The company is promoting the fact that there aren’t a lot of Silpada distributors yet: We’re growing rapidly, but Read more…
How many times have you been told that you must wear Mary Kay “from head to toe”? I remember feeling disloyal if I used any products were a brand other than Mary Kay, even if those products worked better for Read more…
Pre-Paid Legal is in need of better reality, not better stories, according to this author. Is it just a glorified pyramid scheme? Monday, July 28, 2003 By PETER S. COHAN Pre-Paid Legal Services, a $359 million multi-level marketer of legal Read more…
One man’s experience with the religious indoctrination practiced in Pre-Paid Legal Services. By Matthew Armstrong I entered the room and took my seat. I was there out of male stupidity. I had been invited by an attractive young woman, but, Read more…
A comparison of commissions paid to distributors in 2005 and 2006. Average commission payments dropped from $101 per quarter in 2005 to $80 per quarter in 2006. During 2005, the Company paid in excess of $147 million in overrides and Read more…
Arbonne Internationalis yet another cosmetics multi-level marketing company (MLM). The company’s claim to fame is that the products are “botanical”. They market themselves as “different” from the other cosmetics MLMs, particularly Mary Kay. The bottom line, however, is that Arbonne Read more…
A few years ago, I would have been surprised to find out that Mary Kay was exactly like Amway in certain ways. I knew that they both use the multi-level marketing business models, so there were similarities, but I wouldn’t Read more…
A few years ago, I would have been surprised to find out that Mary Kay was exactly like Amway in certain ways. I knew that they both uses the multi-level marketing business models, so there were similarities, but I wouldn’t Read more…
Negative thoughts affecting her emotionally. There can be only one explanation. Conscience. And if so, then there is truth to…
"Reading that site totally ruined my day and now looking back, I now realize it ruined more than just that…
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…