From a Pink Truth critic: If you spent as much time and effort in your own business rather than running down Mary Kay you may find yourself as successful as the many thousands of women who do direct sell Mary Read more…
Apparently we give women a bad name by telling the truth about Mary Kay… Mary Kay is one of the most respected brands of all time. I’m disappointed in people like you. It is apparent that you must have tried Read more…
You would think the Mary Kay lovers could come up with new talking points? No. I guess I should have tried harder! Seriously. You women who have felt this way maybe Mary Kay wasn’t for you. But you can’t speak Read more…
From a Mary Kay sales director to other sales directors: Hey Ladies, I’m not sure if everyone realizes this, but every single time we go to a negative MK site “just to see” what is going on there we increase Read more…
There are some half-truths and a lot of mistruths and misinformation all rolled into one big convuluted mess on this site. Yes, sales is hard. Contacting your network of people is hard. Investing money you don’t have into a business Read more…
To the Owner of Pink Truth: I really would like to know why you are so negative. My stomach turned as I read some of the headlines on your website. Obviously, you had a bad experience, but why perpetuate negativity. Read more…
A Mary Kay consultant who sells Mary Kay out of her hair salon thinks we just didn’t invest properly. She must be working her business the right way! Oh wait… selling out of a fixed location like a salon isn’t Read more…
Why are you all haters? Seems to me like you all are the mean girls looking to tear something down. I would much rather support a brand that gives back to women and cares about the environment. Not every product Read more…
Apparently EVERYONE knows what a scam Mary Kay is, and they still sign up for it. “So to whatever Mary Kay executive or minion is reading this right now, I’ll ask you straight out: how do you live with yourself?” Read more…
This critic thinks we should become agents of change. Little does she know, we’ve been doing exactly that for 18+ years. We’ve been educating women on the truth of Mary Kay, and that’s some change I can really get excited Read more…
Is this person no longer with Mary Kay, or is she just a regular IBC without the SC pressure? I'm…
Taking a cue from Junita Bynum and Paula White (religious grifters) I see...
NSD Cathy Bill tells them if you send back inventory you’ll never be able to be in Mary Kay again.…
"I’m just a regular person now and LIFE IS GOOD!" Money and relationships don't mix. Besides, you can't make a…
Because that's all these kinds of people ever know how to do. An honest job or business is a foreign…