Pink Truth is apparently just one or two women who didn’t put in effort with their Mary Kay venture, and now they’re jealous and they’re taking it out online. We need to take ownership of our choices. And also someone Read more…
Mary Kay consultant Cindy Jackson-Williams posted this comment on our article about Mia Mason Porter’s bankruptcy attempt. Cindy was sure I wouldn’t post her comment. I wouldn’t want to disappoint her, would I? Wow, is bashing Mary Kay on your Read more…
A note from an angry Mary Kay customer to Pink Truth members: To whom it may concern….. What has this world come to?? What are you thinking??? You all are bitter, bitter women that can’t find anything else better to Read more…
This is actually my first visit to this website and most assuredly my last. I did however have a few things to say. Whether or not they’re posted, that remains to be seen. I’m intrigued at the rhetoric and anger Read more…
I stumbled on your site by accident. I’ve been doing Mk for over 20yrs. I’ve experienced all the negative aspects of OWNING one’s own business. It’s surprising to me that you would spend so much time thinking and persuading others Read more…
If you are the same, hopeless woman that wrote a blog I came across today bashing the Mary Kay company and responding to everyone’s posts that actually stood up for the business…then I pray for your sad, unmotivated soul. It Read more…
Seriously, is MK all that bad? I stumbled across your website and am surprised at all the negativity. I am a firm believer in being in business for yourself and avoiding working at a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke). Its hard Read more…
Mary Kay sales director Azzari Jones takes exception with us revealing MK’s change to the Timewise line early. She is so bothered by Pink Truth that she left us multiple comments. You may find it interesting that she scolds Frosty Read more…
This man sells real estate and has a wife who is almost a DIQ. We are lucky to have him to tell us how misguided we are and how simple it is to make money in Mary Kay. The subject Read more…
We are dream stealers, according to this critic. I was searching for a POSITIVE website and my Pastor says that the world is 90% negative and 10% positive. I feel so blessed and priveledged to be among the 10%. When Read more… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a… The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…