On a recent thread in a Mary Kay sales director Facebook group, women were complaining about MK Inc. cracking down on income claims. Basically, consultants and directors aren’t allowed to make income claims of any sort, because it’s such dangerous Read more…
In 2008, I posted an article about Mary Kay on my business blog. And 14 years later, a Mary Kay loser thinks it’s important to tell me how we didn’t run our “business” as a business. She starts off with Read more…
A few years ago, someone asked in a Mary Kay director’s group on Facebook about the explanation of why MK is not an MLM. (Here’s the nonsense corporate wrote about that.) And it took no time at all for group Read more…
A Mary Kay consultant who sells Mary Kay out of her hair salon thinks we just didn’t invest properly. She must be working her business the right way! Oh wait… selling out of a fixed location like a salon isn’t Read more…
A Pink Truth critic placed this comment on our recent video about Monique Anthony (Earleana Tafesse) and then deleted it. I’m not sharing her name, but it is interesting to note that the commenter is a felon herself, having served Read more…
Mary Kay consultants still get so butthurt at the existence of Pink Truth, even though we’ve been around for 16 years! SoMeOnE tElL lEgAl AbOuT tHeM!!!!!! But they can’t seem to ever get the story right. No, Stephanie Springer, I Read more…
Mary Kay sales director Amie Kelly left the below comment on an article on my business website. The article is 14 years old. One wonders what kind of “income-producing activity” Amie was engaged in that led her to finding a Read more…
Another comment on our video featuring Jamie Taylor admitting how she got people to order products they didn’t need… all so she could become an NSD. A comment by a woman who has been a lowly beauty consultant for 9 Read more…
This comment was submitted in response to our video Taylor McKnight Wants to Be a Mary Kay NSD. This consultant says she doesn’t believe in frontloading. But Pink Truth is like junior high girls fighting in the bathroom and apparently Read more…
A recent comment was left (and then deleted) on our video Jamie Taylor Mary Kay Admits Her Downline Ordered Product to Finish Her Goal. The comment was left by Emily Schulte, a Mary Kay consultant in the Pamela Shaw area Read more…
https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/s/Q52DH7rYE5 And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a…
https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/1japl9m/the_missing_mary_kay_jacket_update_five_the/ The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…