Written by Rachel Sometimes critics ask why we spend so much time at Pink Truth, saying the same things over and over. Why don’t we just get over it already, and move on? Believe me, many of us have asked Read more…
I was treated this week to the following comment left on my corporate site in response to an article criticizing Mary Kay. I thought Pink Truth members would get a kick out of it. You should note that the author Read more…
From: Paula HaddadTo: Pink TruthSubject: sick and tired You know I believe you all need help. I feel very very sorry for everyone involved with pink truth. I will pray for everyone involved. If Mary Kay did not work for Read more…
It always brightens my day when a Mary Kaybot leaves me encouraging comments on my business blog. This is one such comment left by someone who calls herself “The Diva Director” on an article about Mary Kay. If I didn’t Read more…
Earlier this week, I wrote about the malicious lies being spread about Pink Truth and its members by Mary Kay sales director Amie Gamboian. I also emailed Amie personally with this note: Dear Amie, I am the owner of the Read more…
Shame, shame on Mary Kay Sales director Amie Gamboian. She is spreading malicious lies about Pink Truth, and today’s post is an exposure of those lies and a call for a retraction and apology by Amie. I understand that Mary Read more…
I don’t expect Mary Kaybots to like us or like this site. They have a vested interest in us not publicly discussing the dismal rates of success and the common deceptive tactics used in recruiting and pushing consultants to order. Read more…
Another Mary Kay lover has some advice for me and the rest of the Pink Truth community. I like how she refers to us as “ridiclues”… I think maybe she should “get a clue.” As usual, I am also amused Read more…
A college student critiques Pink Truth. And I just have to say that if one has to buy friends for $100, and Mary Kay is their only way to do so, they’ve got more problems than we can help them Read more…
I am so happy that one Mary Kaybot had the presence of mind to ask what the real story is behind this website and the owner. She certainly couldn’t have looked at this page and read about us there. The Read more…
ales directors? I didn't know they had a liquor license. (Yes, I'm kidding).
Anti MLMer Julie Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0I-splNYck
Another telltale sign of a recruiting MLM is the identity of the target customer. What percentage of product purchased by…
I don't think these lazy MLMers would go to such lengths. They will simply move on to easier prey.
I agree with you Char. This is intended to shed light on the folly of depending on recruiting. Yes, there…