A former Mary Kay sales director shares how her her story was like a gambling addiction, waiting to hit the jackpot with the big commission check. My journey to the end began the day I was on the computer looking Read more…
Written by A Former Director I pray this note finds you well and working toward your goals!! By now, you have received word both from Mary Kay Inc., and our Executive Senior Sales Director advising you of the change in Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Stepping out of Mary Kay for good, is freedom. And that is as it should be. It is a step toward becoming “real” again, where you have no duplicitous purpose in your relationships. You were never supposed Read more…
Pink Truth started out as “Mary Kay Sucks” way back in July 2006. It started as a place to make fun of all things Mary Kay. But as interest in the site grew quickly, I decided to turn it into Read more…
Anyone thinking of leaving Mary Kay but going back and forth… this letter may help you. The ex-consultant wrote it in response to a customer who asked why she quit. I applaud the courage of this consultant for being so Read more…
Ladies, this is not just “one bad apple” who “didn’t do it the Mary Kay way.” This is the story of most of the sales directors in MK… buying production, conning friends and family into joining, using commission checks to Read more…
Written by A Mary Kay Quitter Faking it. That’s what I was doing as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. Could it be you, too? Do you find yourself wearing clothing that really isn’t you–but you do it because you Read more…
Written by C_Personality My letter to my team when I decided to quit Mary Kay back in 2008. Dear Current and Former Mary Kay Team Members, This is a very different letter than I have ever written. I have made Read more…
The hallmark of pyramid schemes (masquerading as something legitimate under an innocent-sounding name like multi-level marketing) is false earnings claims. We at Pink Truth know that time and again, research shows that more than 99% of people LOSE MONEY in Read more…
This is a heartwarming email that a sales director sent to her unit as she was leaving Mary Kay. Three cheers for the truth! I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I was just notified that Read more…
Negative thoughts affecting her emotionally. There can be only one explanation. Conscience. And if so, then there is truth to…
"Reading that site totally ruined my day and now looking back, I now realize it ruined more than just that…
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…