This story was left as a comment on my business blog, where I used to write about Mary Kay from time-to-time. Ginny was badgered to join Mary Kay for three hours. Don’t let anyone tell you this is unusual or Read more…
There are lots of reasons why women don’t want to become involved in Mary Kay Cosmetics. The recruiter’s job is to overcome those objections. She is given standard lines, like the below, to use to convince you to join. If Read more…
The success of multi-level marketing depends on recruiting. Products can’t be retailed to REAL customers in sufficient quantities, so MLMs depend on the recruitment of distributors who buy the products. We know there is a very low level of actual Read more…
I’m not sure how a Kaybot can presume to know the details of everyone’s life and conclude that anyone and everyone can hold 2 Mary Kay classes a week… but that’s not stopping them! Below is another one of those Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Do you know about the Mary Kay concept of the Gold Medal? Simply put, winning a Gold Medal means that one has recruited five women within a given month. There are lesser metals assigned for lesser Read more…
A new Mary Kay recruit, almost reeled in by a sales director who she thought was becoming her friend. But it was really all about the inventory. So, I’ve always been well aware of the name Mary Kay. It’s been Read more…
Written by A Former Director Sell. Book. Recruit. Working full circle has never been easier! So that’s all there is to it, huh? Sell. Book. Recruit? *clunking head with V8 bottle* As a director, I’ve taught this “working full circle” Read more…
If you have every participated in a Mary Kay “interview”, you’re going to see some common threads in this story from a potential MK victim. We’ve all seen these tactics used before. Sadly, exposing them over and over on Pink Read more…
A concerned friend of a Mary Kay consultant requests advice from the Pink Truth community: A former close friend of mine is a relatively new MK clone. This was after having tried other MLM schemes that crashed and burned. I Read more…
Written by Cat Hi! I signed up for MK just about a year ago because I went to a party, liked the product, and who doesn’t love a 50% discount? Like you, I thought I knew all the pros and Read more…
"Permanent Jewelry"? And weren't cake pops a thing like 15 years ago? I didn't like them. Way too sweet.
Supposedly Taylor sold 3000 the week of this event. Jamie discussed it on that week’s winner’s circle and was interrupted…
100 Faces in a day - almost as many fonts on the flyer.
How about some reviews from the ladies who received the "facial"? My guess is it would include something like: -…
That's one weird down-vote!