I am the soon to be ex-husband of a beautiful senior sales director. Her Mary Kay career was to be the primary support for our family. Believing this, I quit my job to work part time and raise our daughter. Read more…
This comment was so good, that I didn’t want it to get lost on the blog. It is from a husband who calls himself Blessed: There’s a piece of admiration in me for Mary Kay Cosmetics. This company is so Read more…
The husband of a Mary Kay nsd writes a letter to husbands of new recruits, and offers misinformation in the letter to boot!
The official “oath” for a husband of a Mary Kay consultant, as published by Mary Kay Inc.
Helping husbands understand why ordering of Mary Kay products (rather than selling) is so important. This is something that was posted by Dan Allison, sales director Lisa Allison’s husband back in 2004 on an unpopular and little-visited site called mkhusbands.com. Read more…
A popular list of instructions for husbands of Mary Kay consultants… In Mary Kay, there is much talk about whether or not your husband is supportive. Generally, supportive means he doesn’t have any say in how you spend your family’s Read more…
my thoughts exactly!
Ok, so the while supplies last part is for the samples ::facepalm::. Ryan is still getting rich off the consultomers…
I just noticed the "while supplies last" part in the small print. I'm 100% convinced that they're fixing to unload…
Ryan DOES look terrible! At least compared to the last pictures I saw of him. At any rate: Is this…
"This is your chance to set yourself up for success by attracting new customers who could become valuable team members,…