Here’s what a current Mary Kay sales director posted on social media: I also am an Indpendent (sic) Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I quit my full-time job more than 2 years ago and I’m making an executive income Read more…
We at Pink Truth are very familiar with the often-uttered phrase “My director makes six figures!!!!” Women believe the hype that Mary Kay Sales Directors are making big money. So how much money is “big money” and how many sales Read more…
Here is a look at the new sales director suit for Mary Kay’s 2019-2020 year. And the red jackets…
From Mary Kay’s Leadership Conference 2019 in San Diego. Give this your best caption!
It’s no secret that the volume of business done by Mary Kay in the United States has been dropping for the last decade. In 2007. the company reported 700,000 consultants and 14,000 directors. In 2008, they reported 600,000 consultants and Read more…
Time and again we hear about the executive incomes made in Mary Kay. You can work part-time hours and get full-time pay! Make what you’re worth. Earn as little or as much as you choose to. The position of sales Read more…
Today I’m ranting again about the lack of the “executive income” in Mary Kay. Oh, I know the arguments by the Kaybots…. but what if women really don’t WANT to make an executive income. I heard so many women recruited Read more…
A former Mary Kay sales director shares how her her story was like a gambling addiction, waiting to hit the jackpot with the big commission check. My journey to the end began the day I was on the computer looking Read more…
The 2018 Mary Kay Director’s Suit is out and there are choices for the jacket! I have no words for this mauve creation! Which of the three is your favorite? (Updated to add some of the other options below!)
One of the big selling points used by Mary Kay recruiters is the ability to”promote yourself” as fast or as slow as you want. The idea is that you “decide” you want to move up and make more money, and Read more…
Thank you for confirming what I thought. Sickening but I know this isn’t for me anyway because it’s manipulation and…
Yes, PLEASE get it appraised by a professional and report back. We need a good laugh.
Who is going to pay that much money for that pin? 🤨 Get the jewelry appraised by a professional. Mary…
Amen to what Tracy said. Here's what happened when I debuted as a sales director. It's what happened every time…
Some will discourage you from becoming a sales director because they make much more money from you if you stay…