Multi-level marketing companies always hang their hats on the “unlimited earnings” gimmick. They make you feel bad about your current job and earnings, and tell you how you are limited only by how hard you’re willing to work in an Read more…
Well, no more being “dumb in plum” as a Mary Kay sales director. The director suits are going to be brown in 2008-2009. So since the company loves cute little taglines for the suits…. as the sales directors are accumulating Read more…
A former Mary Kay sales director shared this with me this weekend. She was purging some Mary Kay stuff and found this entry in her personal journal. This was almost 10 years ago, and she finally left Mary Kay last Read more…
Details of the new sales director compensation plan, announced in July 2007. Sales directors in Mary Kay are raving about how much the company loves them and how there has never been a better time to be a sales director. Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Do you know what the Mary Kay message STILL IS? YOU do not have enough information to achieve the top. YOU do not have enough self discipline. YOU do not have the proper image. YOU do not Read more…
This was a comment on one of our blog entries, from a sales director who has been with Mary Kay for 13 years. This is what it feels like when you’re no longer willing to load up women with inventory Read more…
From: MPNSD To: MPNSD Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 5:33 AM Subject: Morning Moto Good Morning and God’s Greatest Blessings to each of you! I don’t know about you, but I was challenged to sleep last night because my spirit Read more…
Written by ShabbyInPink In 2005, Mary Kay Cosmetics sales director Auri Hatheway had the #25 Unit in the Emerald Seminar. By Seminar 2006, she was #1 with over one million dollars in retail sales (well, really orders, but you get Read more…
The official “oath” for a new sales director, as published by Mary Kay Inc.
The official “oath” for a senior sales director, as published by Mary Kay Inc.
Thank you so much for that!!
It's so flattering how these scripts assume I am a woman who won't wear a fancy dress twice, who loses…
Good for you! We're here for you. There are lots of resources about how to get out, what steps to…
MLMs use cult tactics like the BITE model: To those vulnerabe, even education and affluence are no match for…
I had these exact scripts memorized. The interpretation of the scripts are spot on! It’s like you read my mind.…