Written by Parsonsgreen Carrie is a two time sales director in the Jamie Taylor National Area underneath Taylor McKnight. (Two time means she was a director, lost her unit because she didn’t make production, and then became a sales director Read more…
Written by Parsonsgreen Anastasia Syzmkowski is a second line director in the Jamie Taylor national area underneath Megan Coleman. In 2021, she had promoted herself to Cadillac Sales director. However, she had lost it by the time Jamie had her Read more…
This is the story of a Mary Kay sales director with a relatively short MK “career,” but very large debt when she quit. It’s so easy to quickly fall into the trap. A couple of years ago I reached director Read more…
Written by Raisinberry One of the common denominators shared by “career path consultants” on Pink Truth is how they know they are responsible for the decisions they made in Mary Kay, yet they still feel as if they were “led” Read more…
This story was submitted by a newer reader. Her story is the story of most of the directors. They make little to no money when you figure in all they spend on products, car co-pays, business expenses, and appearing to Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose It may not matter who your daddy is, but this year’s results from Seminar prove yet again that it does matter who your mommy is, and that Mary Kay is not the level playing field they Read more…
It’s been well over 20 years since I was in Mary Kay. The company has been around for more than 60 years. And in all that time, one of the core principles was secrecy. I didn’t know it at first, Read more…
Mary Kay sales director Diane Kuciel has a vested interest in women signing up for Mary Kay. Her very livelihood depends on unsuspecting victims signing up to become consultants, and then purchasing large inventory packages. She has been in Mary Read more…
In talking with thousands of current and former Mary Kay sales directors over the last 20+ years, it is clear to me that many of them didn’t realize what they were agreeing to when they signed their agreements. It’s not Read more…
Written by Kate I wanted to give everyone at Pink Truth the perspective of a “higher up” director. At my peak, I had over 1,000 in my downline, and 9 offspring directors. I was high up on the “food chain” Read more…
Ah! The ENTIRE sentence is jacked, got it. Currently: "Coupons, samples, proenter to wins and treats." I think it is…
"$200 swag bag" LOL Probably two MK samples, a MK "Gift Certificate", coupons for local fast-food eateries, a few wrapped…
(I guess I should explain the June comment for the people reading who aren't familiar with the MK liturgical calendar)…
It won't even take six months for them to have strong opinions. June Is Coming ::ominous scary music::
Taylor also runs a content business on the side where she makes templates for other consultants to use - such…