Fox News in Los Angeles did an exposé on multi-level marketing company Fortune Hi Tech Marketing. This video exposes the truth behind the company: operating like a pyramid scheme, dismal failure rates, false earnings representations, few making any money, broken Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens Susan went to Mary Kay’s Career Conference, and she’s excited. Prosperity affirmations, clearing negative thoughts…
Written by Lazy Gardens The career of the local Mary Kay Lady may have a tragic end if Cecil has his way. He views her as a threat to his lifestyle.
The CBS affiliate in Philadelphia ran a story yesterday about women doing direct selling in a recession to “supplement” their income. Of course, Rhonda Shasteen of Mary Kay got to have her say…. telling the world that women will spend Read more…
I am sure you all well blast me on your website and make fun of me, if you even read…
They always believe that unless you are caught up in MK or any MLM, that you could not possibly be…
She started with a spelling error and doubled down by misspelling her idol's name. Credibility=none
It's as if a 9 year old wrote this. Feelings, rather than facts. Conjecture, rather than substance. Disjointed thinking, poor…
“If the women on this site spent half of their energy building a business the way Mary Kay Ashe did…”…