That's one weird down-vote!
For years, the only place you could get information about Mary Kay was from the company or its representatives. They obviously had a vested interest in only telling you the positive things about the company. And there was nowhere to research the validity of their claims.
All that has changed in the last ten years. Finally, women have alternate sources of information like Pink Truth. We at Pink Truth are committed to telling you the other side of the Mary Kay Cosmetics story.
We’re going to tell you how most women who get involved with Mary Kay lose money. We’re going to show you that even those high-ranking people in Mary Kay who appear successful are few and far between, and they’re not really as successful as they want you to believe. Pink Truth is where you can get all those facts Mary Kay Cosmetics wishes you’d never know about. We’re here to show you the real deal when it comes to selling cosmetics and recruiting new people to Mary Kay.
Women are deceived in the recruiting process, and the deception continues as the consultant is persuaded to purchase more inventory than she can ever sell, to recruit other women by not giving them all the facts, and to continue to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars knowing that she will almost certainly never earn that money back.
In addition to providing a place for Mary Kay consultants to share their experiences and opinions of Mary Kay, Pink Truth provides information such as:
- Why more than 99% of people involved with multi-level marketing will lose money.
- Why so many people call Mary Kay and other multi-level marketing companies pyramid schemes.
- How Mary Kay consultants and directors use scripts to recruit team members. (Were you told about the “6 things we look for“? Did your recruiter have an answer for every possible objection you came up with?)
- Why you’re going to be encouraged to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on an inventory package, because you supposedly can’t sell from an empty wagon.
- The real reason inventory purchases are pushed so hard is because the sales director gets paid a commission when the consultant places a product order (and it doesn’t matter if that consultant ever sells that inventory).
- The techniques used by Mary Kay sales directors to get women to continue purchasing more and more inventory.
- How you’re going to be encouraged to move up fast, and how you won’t be able to move up unless you’re willing to spend thousands of dollars of your own money purchasing more products.
- Why even if you move up fast, you are almost guaranteed to crash and burn.
- Why it’s nearly impossible to make a consistent income (no matter how small or large) just selling the overpriced products.
- The data that proves that almost no one is making money from actually selling Mary Kay products to customers.
- How little money most of the Pink Cadillac drivers (the ones who are the image of success in MK) make.
- How even at the top of the Mary Kay pyramid, not a whole lot of money is being made.
- More on the income of “top directors” in Mary Kay
- How Mary Kay churns and burns recruits… adding 30,000 to 40,000 new consultants in the United States each month, while the same number of consultants are quitting each month.
- The process for sending your inventory back to Mary Kay and getting as big a refund as possible.