That's one weird down-vote!
Below is a summary of the pyramid levels in Mary Kay, requirements to move up the pyramid, and compensation at the various levels. This information comes from Mary Kay’s Advance brochure (as of July 2020), which gives details of the compensation system.
- Buy the $100 kit
- Place an order of at least $225 wholesale ($450 retail) plus tax on the retail value.
- Order at least once per year to remain a consultant
- Must be an “active” consultant in order to purchase products at wholesale pricing (50% of suggested retail value)
- You are an “active” consultant if you have ordered at least $225 wholesale in the last 3 months
Senior Consultant
- 1 to 2 active recruits
- 4% commission on team orders
- $50 team-building bonus available when a new recruit places a $600 wholesale order
Star Team Builder (Red Jacket; formerly known as Star Recruiter)
- 3 to 4 active recruits
- commission on team orders of 4% (production under $1,000), 6% (production $1,000 to $1,799), or 8% (production $1,800 or above)
- $50 team-building bonus available when a new recruit places a $600 wholesale order
Team Leader
- 5 to 7 active recruits
- 9% commission on team orders, but eligible to earn 13% if 5 active team members place orders of at least $225 wholesale and you personally order $600 wholesale
- $50 team-building bonus available when a new recruit places a $600 wholesale order
Elite Team Leader (replaces Future Director level as of July 2020)
- 8 or more active recruits
- 9% to 13% commission on team orders
- $50 team-building bonus available when a new recruit places a $600 wholesale order
Sales Director in Qualification (DIQ)
- Must be accepted into the program by the company
- 10 or more active recruits in the month prior to entering the DIQ program (previously required 8 or more active, changed July 2020)
- 9% to 13% commission on team orders
- $50 team-building bonus available when a new recruit places a $600 wholesale order
- Requirements to complete qualification period:
- Up to three months to complete qualification
- $13,500 cumulative wholesale orders from self and unit
- Minimum of $10,500 production must be ordered by unit members other than the DIQ (Note that the DIQ can get around this requirement by quietly placing orders in the names of her unit members.)
- Maximum $3,000 wholesale ordered by DIQ
- Minimum of $4,000 wholesale orders per month even if the $13,500 minimum has already been met
- 24 active unit members (self + 23)
Sales Director
- 4%, 9% or 13% commission on personal team orders
- 9% commission on unit orders if wholesale production is $0 to $4,499
- 13% commission on unit orders if wholesale production is $4,500 to $5,499
- 23% commission on unit orders if wholesale production is $5,500 or more
- $100 bonus for each new recruit who orders $600 wholesale or more if the unit has at least 4 of them, paid to a maximum of 10 (this is the Unit Development Cash Bonus)
- $100 bonus for each new personal recruit who places a $600 wholesale order (up to a maximum of 10) (this is the Team-Building Cash Bonus)
- $1,000 bonus for each new first-line offspring director
- $1,000 bonus if you’re a first year director and achieve ALL of the following: On the Move, Fabulous 50s, Honors Society
- $300 quarterly bonus if you have 5 star consultants, plus $50 more for star over that
- $1,000 bonus when qualifying or requalifying for a Cadillac
- $1,000 bonus when achieving a higher Circle of Achievement or Circle of Excellence than the previous year
- Wellness Award Bonus of $800 to $2,000 per year for unit wholesale production of $60,000 or more in a calendar year
- Other contest bonuses available from time-to-time
Senior Sales Director
- 1 to 2 first-line offspring units
- Same compensation as Sales Director
- 5% commission on offspring if your unit production is at least $4,500
Future Executive Senior
- 3 to 4 first-line offspring units
- Same compensation as Sales Director
- 6% commission on offspring if your unit production is at least $4,500
Executive Senior Director
- 5 to 7 first-line offspring units
- Same compensation as Sales Director
- 7% commission on first line offspring if your unit production is at least $4,500
- 1% commission on second line offspring if your unit production is at least $4,500
Elite Executive Senior
- 8 or more first-line offspring units
- Same compensation as Sales Director
- 7% commission on first line offspring if your unit production is at least $4,500
- 2% commission on second line offspring if your unit production is at least $4,500
National Sales Director Qualification
- Have a personal unit with at least 24 unit members
- Have a total of 20 offspring directors in any of the following first-line/senior/second-line configurations: 12/3/8, 11/3/9, 10/3/10 (ex. 12/3/8 = 12 first-line offspring with 3 of them seniors, and 8 second line offspring)
- Each of the 20 qualifying units must have at least 24 unit members
- Of the 20 qualifying units, at least 7 must be Premier Club or Cadillac units
- Personal unit must be a Cadillac qualifier
- Must be less than 65 years old
- Formerly, there was a qualification period of four months, during which wholesale production targets had to be met
National Sales Director
- Appointment to NSD is at company’s discretion (via the NSD Debut Review Board) after qualifications above have been met
- In order to remain an NSD, one of the following area requirements must be met:
- $100,000 in NSD commission in the prior seminar year
- At least 8 first-line offspring in the national area
- At least 20 offspring directors in first through third lines
- The maintenance requirements are waived for the first 2 years after the NSD’s debut.
- If the NSD falls below the requirements, she will have up to 2 years to achieve one of the requirements to remain an NSD.
- 4%, 9% or 13% commission on personal team orders
- 13% sales director commission on personal unit orders
- 10% NSD personal unit commission
- 9% commission on first-line units
- 4% commission on second-line units
- 2% commission on third-line units
- $5,000 offspring sales director bonus for each first line director debuting after the 20 units required for NSD qualification
- $1,000 wholesale production bonus on the anniversary of an offspring sales director who generates wholesale production of $60,000 or more within the last 12 months
- Quarterly leadership development bonus of $200 to $800 each first to third line unit
- 2% commission on wholesale of top 10 unaffiliated (fourth line and below) units
- Other bonuses and incentives available
Senior National Sales Director
- 1 to 2 offspring NSDs
- Same compensation as NSD
- 9% commission on unit of first line who becomes NSD
- 4% commission on unit of second line who becomes NSD
- 2% commission on unit of third line who becomes NSD
- $10,000 offspring NSD development bonus when the offspring NSD debuts and each year thereafter
Executive National Sales Director
- 3 or more offspring NSDs
- Same compensation as senior NSD
Elite Executive National Sales Director
- 5 or more offspring NSDs
- Same compensation as executive NSD
- 2% commission on fourth line units
Other general requirements for all levels except NSDs and up: You must be “active” in a month in order to be paid your commissions. If you are not active, you lose the commission. You must order at least $225 wholesale every 6 months to keep your recruits. If you lose your recruits, they become part of your sales director’s unit, but do not have a recruiter (company doesn’t pay a recruiter commission to anyone).
This information is believed to be accurate as of July 2020. The compensation plan changes frequently, so contact Mary Kay Inc. for the most current information
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