The success of multi-level marketing depends on recruiting. Products can’t be retailed to REAL customers in sufficient quantities, so MLMs depend on the recruitment of distributors who buy the products. We know there is a very low level of actual Read more…
You’ve heard the argument that MLM provides a wonderful opportunity. You decide how much you make. You control your own destiny. You can’t be laid off or fired. You’ll be financially independent, and you’ll make money on your own terms. Read more…
Written by Teresa For the majority of my Mary Kay career, I was a “sales only” consultant in a high producing, top unit. And even though I wasn’t interested in doing anything more than selling Mary Kay products, I still Read more…
When you start to become awakened to the truth about Mary Kay, you may double down on the idea that there is a “right way” to do Mary Kay. Especially if you are a sales director, you need to justify Read more…
A Mary Kay consultant tells us how easy it is to make money in Mary Kay. After all, with minimal effort, she sells $400 to $500 in reorders. And if she worked more, she’d make more. She was told there Read more…
Written by SuzyQ Oh, your first 30 days in Mary Kay Cosmetics. Such an exciting time! So much to learn! So much to do! 30 faces in your first 30 days! But here’s the reality of what goes on those Read more…
A consultant shares her quitting story. She got as far as DIQ, and then finally decided to call it quits. Does her story look like yours? One day I woke up and thought to myself, “I can’t do this anymore.” Read more…
One of the first things I was taught after I started Mary Kay was how to “reconnect” with old friends in order to sell the product. They get you to make a list of “everyone with skin” that you know, Read more…
(It’s even more expensive than you think!) Written by Frosty Rose The pinnacle of success for a Mary Kay director is the coveted Pink Cadillac. It’s that trophy on wheels that sells the sizzle of a “career” in this company, Read more…
A comment from a gentleman who believes that people are more likely to fail than succeed at anything they do. What an outlook on life! Why do anything at all in life? What a sad life you are going to Read more… And the saga continues. Based on the Reddit poster's super-sleuthing, it's likely that San Antonio police were not involved…
That much? I'm surprised the pawn shop would even take them. Who would ever buy them?
I bet those bar pins and bees only got the pawnee twenty bucks.
Director also learned that there was a lawsuit a few years back in Texas. A hotel gave footage of a… The director posted another update today. She had received a call from someone who had seen the jewels in…