Mary Kay sales directors can earn the use of a pink Cadillac if their unit does $102,000 wholesale production ($204,000 suggested retail value) in 6 months or less. (That’s $17,000 wholesale per month needed to get and maintain the Cadillac.) Read more…
This is a topic that we discuss a lot because it is so important. How often have you heard “my friend makes good money as a sales director in Mary Kay”??? Except it’s almost certainly not true. All the evidence Read more…
Another day, another set of false earnings claims from someone who should know better. Mary Kay sales director Kimminee Costello posted on Facebook over the weekend. She listed a litany of “facts,” many of which are flat out lies.
Well what a silly question! If you’ve just joined Mary Kay, of course you should order inventory. In case you didn’t know, your recruiter doesn’t make any money unless you order inventory! You don’t actually need to sell anything. If Read more…
On Friday Advocare announced that it was dropping its multi-level marketing component as of July 17, 2019, and there are allegedly more than 100,000 Advocare distributors who will be impacted. Why are they doing this? Pressure from the Federal Trade Read more…
Let’s talk about this cruise that Mary Kay is offering to consultants in 2019. It’s a cruise to the Bahamas October 7 to 11, and when you qualify, you get to bring someone along. The cruise is on Royal Caribbean’s Read more…
Written by Anonymous Dear Mary Kay sales directors… This is a list of things you have no right to do or say to consultants, potential recruits, or anyone else involved with Mary Kay. Consultants… Do not let them convince you Read more…
Written by Maureen About a month ago, my friend invited me to a “girls night” for pedicures… I questioned the invite because she has a ton of friends she is closer with, but being newer to the area with very Read more…
The new Mary Kay foundations are another one in a long line of product changes. Sure, the products need to stay updated. I won’t suggest MK should never change products. But every time they make a change, consultants are left Read more…
This article was written by Janelle as a response to a Mary Kay sales director who was singing the praises of Mary Kay to the author. It brought her out of an abusive relationship. It helped her find God. She Read more…
I would think Mary Kay Corporate would maybe allow them to buy the car but take off the Mary Kay…
Yeah cause everyone wants to be scammed and lose money.. Cállate callarse la boca Whoever wrote this, you have smoked…
That works too. Drunk driving doesn't always equal death or injuries. But it does increase the risk. Just after I…
I admire that in a person. To do what is extremely difficult - To acknowledge, own up, face full on…
Biggest flaw in their arguments is: this is a business. It’s not. The consultant is the customer. And a pretty…