This is the first part of a series on a “million dollar director” month. It’s part of a lengthy email that was sent out by Mary Kay national sales director Pamela Shaw. Pam promotes heavy recruiting and frontloading, as well Read more…
Written by Raisinberry No matter what we Pink Truth women do, how charming we are, how honest and forthcoming, we are still labeled “negative” by the “I haven’t found out yet” Mary Kay World. Now this characterization begs the question. Read more…
The ultimate goal in Mary Kay is to make it to national sales director. The idea is that if you get there, you are set for life. That’s not really true, as the company now has requirements that must continually Read more…
Written by The Scribbler The “Don’t give her too long to think about it” script featured on Mary Kay NSD Caterina Harris’s website. At the end of the recruiting interview, Prospect Pam is interested, but needs to “think about it” before Read more…
Here’s how the Mary Kay “I” story works. Think about what life was like before Mary Kay and throw that out the window. Then come up with something very emotional that you think people will react to. Work with that. Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens Admin Note: This article was first published in 2007. But the results are still valid, so I’m running it again. Just for fun, I analyzed a bunch of Court of Sales data that I collected. My Read more…
Each new month in Mary Kay represents another spin around on the hamster wheel. Imagine being a Mary Kay director, having to start from scratch each month. Trying to build toward the minimum wholesale production of $4,000, and figure out Read more…
Written by The Scribbler I’ve decided to spend my evening relaxing a bit. Put the feet up, light a candle or two, and pop in the New Consultant Inventory Talk CD by NSD Dawn Sweeney. I know, I know – Read more…
Written by The Scribbler We’ve seen that frontloading is being taught and is actively taking place in Mary Kay – chances are, you were a victim of it, yourself. Be encouraged, friend; you are not the first woman (and sadly, Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Frontload? You mean, “The act of convincing a freshly-recruited IBC that she needs to purchase the highest amount of product possible to prove that she is truly serious about her business? Yep, that’s the one. Frontloading’s Read more…
That works too. Drunk driving doesn't always equal death or injuries. But it does increase the risk. Just after I…
I admire that in a person. To do what is extremely difficult - To acknowledge, own up, face full on…
Biggest flaw in their arguments is: this is a business. It’s not. The consultant is the customer. And a pretty…
"I’m blanking on the name of this logical fallacy because you are making no-sense at all, here." False equivalence. From…
Honestly, it says a lot about the psychological manipulation and power of what MLMs do that anyone is still a…